Publications: 2008

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Covers in 2008


10. S.W. Hong, W. Jeong, H. Ko, M. Kessler, V. V. Tsukruk, and Z. Lin, “Directed self-assembly of gradient concentric carbon nanotube rings”, Advanced Functional Materials18, 2114 (2008). (featured on Inside Front Cover of Advanced Functional Materials (Issue 14); highlighted by Nanowerk: “Directed Self-Assembly of Ordered Structures as a Simple Nanotechnology Tool“, July 16 (2008); featured on the Materials Research Society (MRS) homepage as well as its Materials News page, “Self-assembled gradient concentric rings of carbon nanotubes“, September 22 (2008); listed as one of Most accessed articles in 07/2008 in Advanced Functional Materials).

9. Z. Lin, “Organic-inorganic nanohybrids through the direct tailoring of semiconductor nanocrystals with conjugated polymers”, Chemistry-A European Journal14, 6294 (2008). (Invited Concepts Article) (featured on Frontispiece of ChemistryA European Journal).

8. J. Wang and Z. Lin, “Freestanding TiO2 nanotube arrays with ultrahigh aspect ratio via electrochemical anodization”, Chemistry of Materials20, 1257 (2008).

7. M. Byun, S. W. Hong, F. Qiu, Q. Zou, and Z. Lin, “Evaporative organization of hierarchically structured polymer blend rings”, Macromolecules41, 9312 (2008). (highlighted on the American Chemical Society (ACS) homepage under its News and Research page, Ring Your Polymers” in November, 2008).

6. K. S. K. Karuppiah, A. L. Bruck, S. Sundararajan, J. Wang, Z. Lin, Z. Xu, and X. Li, “Friction and wear behavior of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene as a function of polymer crystallinity”, Acta Biometerilia4, 1401 (2008).

5. K. S. Kim, Z. Lin, P. Shrotriya, S. Sundararajan, and Q. Zou, “Iterative control approach to high-speed force-curve measurement using atomic force microscope: PDMS elastic modulus example”, Ultramicroscopy108, 911 (2008).

4. J. Wang, J. Xu, M. Goodman, Y. Chen, M. Cai, J. Shinar, and Z. Lin, “A simple biphasic route to water soluble dithiocarbamate functionalized CdSe quantum dots”, Journal of Materials Chemistry18, 3270 (2008). (featured on Inside Front Cover of Journal of Materials Chemistry (issue 27)).

3. P. Molian, Z. Lin, and Q. Zou, “Nano-holes in silicon wafers using laser-induced surface plasmon polaritons”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology8, 2163 (2008).

2. M. Byun, S.W. Hong, L. Zhu, and Z. Lin, “Self-assembling semicrystalline polymer into highly ordered, microscopic concentric rings by evaporation”, Langmuir24, 3525 (2008).

1. D. Zimnitsky, J. Xu, Z. Lin, and V. V. Tsukruk, “Domain and network aggregation of CdTe quantum dots within Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers”, Nanotechnology19, 215606 (2008).


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