E.S. Thian, N.H. Loh, K.A. Khor, S.B. Tor. In vitro behavior of sintered powder injection molded Ti-6A1-4V/HA. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research (Applied Biomaterials) 63 (2) (2002) 79-87

E.S. Thian, N.H. Loh, K.A. Khor, S.B. Tor, Microstructures and mechanical properties of powder injection molded Ti-6A1-4V/HA powder. Biomaterials 23 (14) (2002) 2927-2938

E.S. Thian, N.H. Loh, K.A. Khor, S.B. Tor, Ti-6A1-4V/HA composite feedstock for injection molding. Material Letters, 56 (4) (2002) 522-532

E.S. Thian, N.H. Loh, K.A. Khor, S.B. Tor. Dilation of Ti-6A1-4V/HA composite parts.  Advanced Composites Letters, 11 (2) (2002) 73-77