Congratulations to Dr Thian Eng San on being awarded a research grant titled ‘3D Targeted Printing of Cells into Polymeric Microfiber Scaffolds for Enhanced Meniscus Reconstruction’ by the Biomedical Engineering Programme, Science & Engineering Research Council as a Principal Investigator for 1.5 years

Congratulations to Dr Thian Eng San on being awarded a research grant titled ‘Fabrication of Tissue-Engineered Tendon for Enhanced Healing Capability via E-Jetting Technique’ by the Public Sector Funding, Science & Engineering Research Council as a Principal Investigator for 3 years

Congratulations to Dr Thian Eng San on holding an appointment as a Fellow in the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK)

Congratulations to Dr Wang Zuyong for being awarded the Ph.D degree

Congratulations to Ms Lim Poon Nian on being awarded the SIMTech Best Student Award

Congratulations to Ms Zhang Qinyuan on being awarded the Best Oral Presenter at the 6th East Asian Pacific Student Worksop on Nano-Biomedical Engineering

Congratulations to Ms Tan Yi Min on being awarded the Second Runner-up for Best Poster Presenter at the SIMTech Research Poster Exhibition