Congratulations to Dr Thian Eng San on being awarded a research grant titled ‘A Novel Hybrid Multi-Material Micro-Dispensing System to Develop 3-Dimensional Tissue-Engineered Meniscal Implants and Osteochondral Grafts’ by the Biomedical Engineering Programme, Science & Engineering Research Council as a Principal Investigator for 2 years
Congratulations to Dr Thian Eng San on being awarded a research grant titled ‘Implantable Ceramic-Based Porous Carriers Loaded with high-Yield Stem Cells for Bone Regeneration and Remodeling’ by the National Medical Research Council New Investigator Grant, Ministry of Health as a Principal Investigator for 2 years
Congratulations to Dr Thian Eng San on being awarded the Hitachi Research Fellowship by the Hitachi Scholarship Foundation
Congratulations to Ms Lim Poon Nian on being awarded the First Runner-up for Best Poster Presenter at the SIMTech Research Poster Exhibition