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Malay Studies Alumni Sharing Session

Monday, 17 February 2020 — 11 undergraduates majoring in Malay Studies and 11 young graduates from the same department met for a brief session on academic life and post-graduation plans at the Asian Studies meeting room. The alumni shared their personal experiences on how to effectively apply for jobs amid the current economic climate, and how to market their training in the Malay Studies department to future employers. Coming from various sectors like academia, public and civil service, and advocacy work, the young professionals affirmed that Malay Studies majors continue to be in demand. As students of the arts, Malay Studies majors can carry their skills in research and writing across multiple industries. The alumni further advised the students to start making plans on their future careers early, informing them that they have ready access to a network of fellow graduates from the department should they need any advice on jobs or university life. The students were also informed of external platforms that could be useful for them, like the Centre for Future Ready Graduates (CFG) and MENDAKI networking sessions.

Besides discussing issues relating to job prospects and academics, the current students were also concerned about overseas programmes and internships. The alumni encouraged the students to participate in as many extra-curricular programmes as possible. They shared about their experiences during overseas exchange, internships, winter and summer programmes, and study trips. While some students were worried about financial constraints, the alumni assured them that international programmes can be both inexpensive and exciting, especially if they are situated in the ASEAN region. The department also has a record supporting overseas programmes for students. The session ended with an enthusiastic note and the exchange of contact information.

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