After all the posts on atmospheric pollution in China, now this will be a post on air pollution in the country of some of my ancestors, India.

The idea to write this post came after I watched a short news documentary on air pollution in India.  The situation there looks really bad. The reason for its pollution is first, a high amount of traffic. This also due to its high population. However, their vehicles are running on unregulated fuels. The video mentioned that they used diesel that was long outlawed in Europe & the united states. Secondly, their farmers’ arent controlled against the burning of crops after harvest. Even the farmers mentioned that it’s their preferred choice. Therefore being a country that produces their own crops this really adds on to the smog and pollutants in India. Lastly and I feel this is the most severe reason that challenges its efforts. It is their mindset. They are in denial that air pollution is affecting them. They believe it is necessary for the growth of their nation. They also believe in some myths such as polluted air can train their immunity.

There also some solutions mentioned in this video. Firstly is by the government, where it aims to have Europe standard diesel by 2021 & remove all coal power plants. Secondly, there is an environmentalist in the video that suggests having more plants around homes and offices as it serves as a natural low-cost air filter that everyone will be able to afford.

My view on all this is that the reasons for its pollution are shocking. Being in denial of the danger of air pollution is really scary. I feel that this is the most severe issue they have to tackle first. Also knowing how they are handling the COVID situation there it got me even more worried. Being a huge country, this is another country that is contributing to the world’s secondary pollution. However, something inspiring I got from this video is the importance of plants. Previously I posted on trees but that’s outdoor. Plants can be a solution to protect each and every one of us. If each of us adopts this solution I think we can really create an impact on cleaning our atmosphere.

This is the documentary that I’ve watched