Hi readers. To those that were not aware Singapore faced one of its worst case of haze in 2013.  It can be seen from the straits time article here. It was mainly caused by forest fires and the burning of crops in Indonesia. It was the first time since the PSI was introduced that it hit 401. This post today will be my personal recount on this period in 2013.

Back then, I was still serving my national service with the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) as an Automotive Technician. Being a technician we don’t have the luxury of working indoor with air conditioners but out in the vehicle workshops and sweating in coveralls. As the haze was a build-up where the days before it was around the range of 200s it was already affecting us causing discomfort and irritations to our noses and throats. We were made to drink more water to ensure that we don’t dehydrate and faint while working.

As the days go by the situation got worst. Just like how people were rushing to get mask when COVID first hit Singapore, it was the same thing then. Masks were quickly depleted in the pharmacies.  As we are running a vehicle workshop we have some amount of mask ready in camp. We were told to start using it as the PSI climb into the “Very Unhealthy” range. It was inconvenient as it adds up to the heat but it was more comfortable to breathe in those masks than without a mask. When the PSI exceeds 300 and entered the hazardous we were told that we are not allowed to be outdoor and to stay indoors. Since we cant repair vehicles indoor it is equivalent to a stop-work order. We were rejoicing even though it was a serious situation.

When the PSI exceeded the 300s we can see clearly the difference in air quality. Specks of dust from the haze is more visible and there was a strong burning smell in the air. The scent alone is enough to cause discomfort in breathing. Luckily I wasn’t asthmatic then as it would affect me more. I have some campmates that fell sick during the days after that and have to take a rest at home.

Lessons learned from the incident is not to take the benefits of fresh air lightly. We should treasure it and take care of the environment and the atmosphere so that a tragedy like that won’t occur again.