Hi readers. While browsing youtube I bumped into a Tedx video that put it perfectly on how an individual can have the power to reduce pollution.

He mentioned that each and every one of us need to make the choice to change our habits. If each and everyone makes small modifications we can make a great impact to the world. These small modifications that he mentioned were changing from using petrol cars to electric cars. Not only that the fleet of heavy vehicles that deliver our online orders too if they were to operate by using an electrical source of power the impact these changes can have on our environment is tremendous. If anyone that was not convinced about benefits of using electric cars they should watch this.

He also mentioned that we should do our part for the environment as it not only for us, Its also for our children and future generations. Providing them a planet that is liveable and not polluted.

However, from what I’ve seen online there are videos made to encourage switching to an electric or hybrid vehicle. But the main reason why people are still reluctant is firstly the cost. There is still a price difference between using this and a traditional gas car. Secondly, to operate it is a hassle,  the user needs to charge it for hours before can be driven, compared this to a visit to a petrol station this is much easier.  Thirdly, the facilities to use electric vehicles is still not easily available in every housing estates.

But I feel that the hassle is just a small price to pay for the improvement of our community.

To watch the video that I’ve mentioned in this blog check it out below

The Washington Post:
Why electric cars still don’t live up to the hype

How long does it take to charge a vehicle?
