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Research groups
Authors of My Joint Papers
- Enrique Artal-Bartolo
- Caucher Birkar
- Michel Brion
- Frederic Campana
- Paolo Cascini
- Fabrizio M. E. Catanese
- Jungkai Alfred Chen
- Meng Chen
- CheeWhye Chin
- Tien-Cuong Dinh
- Igor V. Dolgachev
- Baohua Fu
- Rajendra Vasant Gurjar
- Chang Woo Hang
- Fei Hu
- Jia Jia
- Yujiro Kawamata
- JongHae Keum
- Yongnam Lee
- Hsueh-Yung LIN
- Steven Lu
- Daisuke Matsushita
- Yohsuke Matsuzawa
- Sheng Meng
- Masayoshi Miyanishi
- Noboru Nakayama
- Kenji Nishida
- Keiji Oguiso
- Fabio Perroni
- C. R. Pradeep
- Takahiro Shibata
- Ichiro Shimada
- Sheng-Li Tan
- Hiro-o Tokunaga
- Shuichiro Tsunoda
- Eckart Viehweg
- Fei Wang
- Junyi Xie
- Guolei Zhong
My Erdős number: 3
(De-Qi Zhang <–> Michel Brion <–> Jacques Dixmier <–> Paul Erdős)