SDPT3: a MATLAB software for semidefinite-quadratic-linear programming.
SDPNALplus: a MATLAB software for semidefinite programming with bound constraints.
A collection of standard form SDP instances in SDPT3 format is also available.
QSDPNAL: a MATLAB software for quadratic semidefinite programming.
QPPAL: a MATLAB software for high-dimensional convex quadratic programming.
Proj_BP: A MATLAB software for the Birkhoff Polytope projection problem.
SuiteLasso: a MATLAB software for lasso regularized linear least squares problems based on a semismooth Newton augmented Lagrangian method.
FMGL: a MATLAB package for Fused Multiple Graphical Lasso.
DWDLarge: a MATLAB software for large scale distance weighted discrimination problems.
NNLS: a MATLAB software for nuclear norm regularized least squares problems based on an accelerated proximal gradient method.
BBCPOP: a MATLAB software for A Sparse Doubly Nonnegative Relaxation of Polynomial Optimization Problems with Binary, Box and Complementarity Constraints.
Square-root-PMM: a MATLAB software for square-root-loss regression problems.
iEPPA: a MATLAB software for solving a class of structured LP based on an inexact entropic proximal point algorithm.
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