The 8th NUS-ISM-ZIB-IIR-MODAL Workshop

Next Generation Computing and Algorithms in the Digital Era

Date: August 12-16, 2024

Venue: I4.0 Seminar Room 01-03, NUS, Singapore

Our Mission:

The 8th workshop is poised to explore the realms of “Next Generation Computing and Algorithms in the Digital Era”, with a keen focus on accelerating industrial growth and enhancing societal well-being. This event provides a unique opportunity for experts from various fields to share insights, foster collaborations, and shape the future of industry mathematics and computational research in an increasingly digital world.



– Day 1 (12 Aug): Workshop

– Day 2 (13 Aug): Workshop

– Day 3 (14 Aug): Workshop

– Day 4 (15 Aug): Options for the day

  – Option 1: IBM Singapore Think 2024

  – Option 2: RMI Annual Conference

  – Option 3: Free day

Junya ARAI, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, Japan.

Thorsten KOCH, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany.

Takayuki OKUNO, Seikei University, Japan.

Fabrizio RUGGERI, Italian National Research Council in Milano, Italy.

Kim Chuan TOH , National University of Singapore, Singapore.

– Ralf BORNDOERFER, Zuse Institute Berlin & FU Berlin, Germany.

– Jiashi FENG, ByteDance, Singapore. 

– Katsuki FUJISAWA, Institute of Innovative Research, Japan.

– Nam Dung HOANG, University of Science, Vietnam National University, Vietnam.

– Hiroki ISHIKURA, Institute of Innovative Research, Japan.

– Amauri Da Silva JUNIOR, RMIT University & Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany.

– Thacha LAWANNA, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. 

– Thi Thai LE, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany.

– Kailiang LIU, National University of Singapore, Singapore. 

– Junji NAKANO, Chuo University, Japan. 

– Ha Quang MINH, Riken, Japan. 

– Rujira OUNCHAROEN, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

– Milena PETKOVIC, Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth, Germany.

– Shanwen PU, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany.

– Sebastian POKUTTA, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany.

– Daisuke SAKURAI, Fujitsu Research Institute, Japan.

– Xun SHEN, Osaka University, Japan.

– Lin SHAO, National University of Singapore, Singapore. 

– Yuji SHINANO, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany.

– Mirai TANAKA, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan.

– Makoto TSUKAMOTO, Kyushu University, Japan.

– Keiichiro YAMAMURA, Kyushu University, Japan.

– Nazgul ZKIYEVA, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany. 

  • Ying Chen (NUS)

  • Katsuki Fujisawa (IIR)

  • Satoshi Ito (ISM)

  • Thorsten Koch (ZIB)
  • Ha Quang Minh (RIKEN)
  • Yuji Shinano (ZIB / MODAL)
  • Mirai Tanaka (ISM / RIKEN)

  • Ying Chen (NUS)
  • Kewei Huang (NUS)
  • Edward TAY (NUS AIDF)

  • Kim Chuan TOH (NUS Math)

  • Hanqiu Peng
  • Kailiang Liu
  • Jingyi Wang

Cooperation and Sponsors:

We warmly invite you to be part of this enlightening journey, where diverse perspectives converge to drive industrial innovation and societal progress. Together, let’s explore the vast potential of the digital era to contribute to the advancement of computational sciences and their application in real-world scenarios.

Welcome to an event where international collaboration paves the way for groundbreaking discoveries and technological advancement, all aimed at elevating industries and societies worldwide.