MA5251 —– Spectral Methods and Applications (Reference Books)

(Semester 2 2015/16)

Reference Books:

  • Spectral Methods: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications (2011), by J. Shen, T. Tang and L. L. Wang. Publisher: Springer.
  • Spectral Methods: Fundamentals in Single Domains (2006), by C. Canuto, M.Y. Hussaini, A. Quarteroni and T.A. Zang. Publisher: Springer-Verlag.
  • Spectral Methods: Evolution to Complex Geometries and Applications to Fluid Dynamics (2007), by C. Canuto, M.Y. Hussaini, A. Quarteroni and T.A. Zang. Publisher: Springer-Verlag.
  • Spectral and High-Order Methods with Applications (2006), by J. Shen and T. Tang. Publisher: Science Press.
  • Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics (1988), by C. Canuto, M.Y. Hussainim A. Quarteroni and T.A. Zang. Publisher: Springer-Verlag.
  • Spectral Methods in Matlab (2000), by L.N. Trefethen. Publisher: SIAM (Socity of Industrial and Applied Mathematics).
  • Spectral Methods and Their Applications (1998), by Ben-Yu Guo. Publisher: World Scientific.
  • Fourier Analysis and Approximation (1971), by P. L. Butzer and R. J. Nessel. Publisher: Birkhauser.
  • Numerical Analysis of Spectral Methods: Theory and Applications (2077), by D. Gottlieb and S. A. Orszag. Publisher: SIAM-CBMS.
  • Chebyshev and Fourier Spectral Methods (2001), by J. P. Boyd. Publisher: Springer-Verlag.
  • A Practical Guide to Pseudospectral Methods (1996), by B. Fornberg. Publisher: Cambridge University Press.
  • Spectral/hp Element Methods for CFD (1999), by G.E. Karniadakis and S. J. Sherwin. Publisher: Oxford University Press.

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