MA5250 —– Computational Fluid Dynamics

(Semester 2 2013/14)

Lecturer: Weizhu Bao

Office: S17 #08-18;

Office Hours: Tuesday: 2:00pm-4:00pm or by appointment at S17 #08-18.

Phone: 6516-2765(o); E-mail:

Course Web:

Lecture time/venue: Monday and Tuesday 4:00-6:00pm at S17, #05-11.


  • R. Peyret and T.D. Taylor: Computational Methods for Fluid Flow (1983). Publisher: Springer-Verlag.
  • J.D. Anderson: Computational Fluid Dynamics The Basics with Applications (1995). Publisher: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Reference Book :

Course Outline: The course will focus on introduction to fluid dynamics, basic numerical methods for differential equations, primitive variable formulation, vorticity formulation, numerical methods for compressible flow and some applicaitons. Detail Outline

Grading: The course grade will be calculated as follows: Final exam: 50%; Projects and Homework assignments: 40%; Presentations: 10%.

Schedule of tests:

  • Oral presentation:
  • Final exam: 7 May, 2014 (Wednesday), 1:00 — 3:00pm at S17, #05-12.

Homework and Lab Assignments: click here for assignments

Web Site Links on Fluid Mechanics

This course outline is available on web site: