Course Instructor: Weizhu Bao
Office: Skiles 227; Office Hours: MWF:3:00-5:00pm or by appointment at Skiles 227.
Phone: 404-894-6555; E-mail:
Texts: Calculus, one and several variables , eight edition, by Salas, Hille, and Etgen, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1999.
Materials to be covered:
- Review of functions, graphs, inequalities and other basic notations: {\it 1.1-1.8} (2 lectures).
- Limits and continuity: {\it 2.1-2.6} (5 lecturess).
- Limits of sequences and the exponential function: {\it 10.1-10.3} (3 lectures).
- Differentiation: Computing derivatives: {\it 3.1-3.9} (9 lectures)
- Minimum-maximum problems and curve sketching: {\it 4.3-4.8} (3 lectures)
- Integration and the fundamental theorem of calculus: {\it 5.1-5.8} (6 lectures).
- Applications of integration: {\it 6.1-6.6} (6 lectures)
- Transcendental functions: {\it 7.1-7.3, 7.5,7.6} (3 lectures)
- Techniques of integration: {\it 8.1-8.4} (3 lectures)
- Complex numbers: {\it web notes} (3 lectures)
Grading: The final grade will be determined by: four from five short quizzes (20 minutes each) 20%; three from four tests (50 minutes each): 35%; three projects: 10%; final examination: 35%.
Schedule of short-quizzes and tests:
- Quiz 1: Sep. 2 (Thursday)
- Test 1: Sep. 21 (Tuesday)
- Quiz 2: Sep. 30 (Thursday)
- Test 2: Oct. 12 (Tuesday)
- Quiz 3: Oct. 21 (Thursday)
- Test 3: Oct. 28 (Thursday)
- Quiz 4: Nov. 9 (Tuesday)
- Test 4: Nov. 23 (Tuesday)
- Quiz 5: Dec. 2 (Thursday)
- Final: Dec. 14 (Tuesday) 8:00–10:50am at Skiles 146.
- Usually at Recitation time and will be announced in advance. Assignments: Homework will be assigned, but will not be colleted for marking. You should try all the assigned questions in order to get a good grade. Some questions in the tests and in the final exam might be similar to those assigned.Click here for assigned problems
This course outline is available on web site: