Coral Reef Bleaching 🐟🐠

As we mentioned in the previous post, acidification has been affecting the pH level and temperature of the water bodies. Marine species such as coral reef are highly susceptible. In this post, we would like to share some information about coral reef bleaching.


Global Warming and ocean acidification have an inseparable relationship on coral reef bleaching. Recent years, the bleaching has shown a dramatically expand over the globe.


“Coral bleaching happens when corals lose their vibrant colours and turn white. “–World Wild Life (WWF)

So, what exactly is bleaching? According to (WWF, n.d.), bleaching occurs when the microscopic algae–zooxanthellae leave the corals due to an increase in temperature. However, these corals are not really ‘dead’ because if they are able to regain algae into the tissue, they can ‘revive’ (Franklin-Cheung, n.d.). However, the ‘revival’ process might take months or decades.

The comparison between healthy and bleached corals. Source:

Sadly, a large scale of coral reefs was found to be totally dead and was unable to ‘revive’ as oceanic temperature rise in recent years. As we mentioned previously, the acidification process affects and weakens the coral’s skeleton. Thus, combining the two impacts, coral reefs are currently facing a tremendous challenge to survive in the ocean.



The lost of the coral reefs would not simply affect marine biodiversity but also humans. Many marines species highly rely on coral as habitats and source of food. If the number of corals declines, the food web will collapse from the bottom and it will also affect us (WWF, n.d.). Moreover, coral reefs are a form of seawall which protect the coastal area from strong waves. Without them, the coastal area will have a higher chance of experiencing strong waves. Besides, the coral reef has played a major role in nature reef-base tourism. The region manages to generate substantial income when tourists visit to explore the coral reefs. One of the famous sites will be the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

Overall, the value of the coral reefs is irreplaceable in the marine biodiversity. Hence, we should mitigate and reduce the bleaching process by controlling the cause. Reducing the emission of carbon dioxide is one of the best ways to solve the problem. We really need to take this issue seriously before its too late!


Shee Wen & NicoleΒ  Β 



Franklin-Cheung, A. (n.d.). Can coral reefs recover from bleaching? Retrieved October 05, 2020, from

WWF. (n.d.). Everything You Need to Know about Coral Bleaching-And How We Can Stop It. Retrieved October 05, 2020, from


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