Military Exercise Caused Stranding

As we mentioned in the introductory post, noise pollution has created a massive impact on marine life. One of the consequences that we are discussing today is mass stranding.

Studies have shown that mass stranding was often correlated with military exercise or the use of sonar in the ocean (Filadelfo, 2010). In 2000, the mass stranding of beaked whales was being spotted around the Bahamas area after the US navy exercise (Filadelfo, 2010). This has caught the eye of the researchers as mass stranding for beaked whales was considered a rare event.

Abnormal whales stranding. Source:

As the military used the mid-frequency active sonar, the whales and dolphins were often the ones being affected and involved in mass stranding along the coast. This is because they are able to perceive a higher range of sound than humans (Talpalar & Grossman, 2005).

These species rely on their biosonar to communicate, hunt and navigate. The use of military sonar has masked the sound of the marine species and even forced them to change their behaviour to adapt to the noise (submarine sonar). When interference by the sonar occurs, whales and dolphins might experience a sudden loss of hearing or be confused as their biosonar for navigation is adversely affected hence, they might end up stranded at the shallow area.

Mass dolphins stranding. Source:

Countries around the world have started to take note of this emerging problem and have implemented mitigation policy in succession for navy exercise. Some of the policy has decided to reduce the amount of military exercise or ban such exercises specific ocean region to decrease the effect on the species.

However, the involved countries were mainly from North America or the Europe region. Although studies have shown that stranding was often near to the military exercise location, there still insufficient evidence to prove that military sonar was the main caused (DOSITS, 2020). Hence, the phenomenon of stranded whales and dolphins is still not being taken seriously as we still see increasing military exercises across the region.

Shee Wen & Nicole   




DOSITS. (2020). Strandings. Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

Filadelfo, R. (2010). Correlating Military Sonar Use with Beaked Whale Mass … Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

Talpalar, A., & Grossman, Y. (2005). Sonar versus Whales: Noise may disrupt neural activity in … Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

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