ReadNUS Issue 35

SEP 2021 | ISSUE 35
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Here’s Your Reading Summary

According to the World Economic Forum, the number of refugees world wide at the end of 2020 was approximately 82.4 million. The recent withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan has led to a large number of Afghan refugees and brought to light the suffering of a large forcibly displaced group of people once again. To gain new insights into the refugee crisis around the world, here are some interesting reads on the refugees, issues of nationalism and citizenship as well as how nations cope with refugees.

This Week’s Reads:
War & the Refugee Crisis

Clicking on the title or book image will link you to the full text.

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This book investigates the impact of the Syrian refugee crisis on Lebanon and Jordan, and these countries’ mechanisms to cope with the refugees. The sudden population increase has resulted in severe pressures on infrastructures and services, and growing social tensions between the refugees and host communities.

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A costly burden for the occupying powers, the Jewish, Polish, Ukrainian, Yugoslav and Baltic Displaced Persons unwilling to return to their countries of origin presented a thorny international problem. They had become long-term refugees and asylum seekers.

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This book provides an in-depth investigation of citizenship and nationalism in connection with the Rohingya community. It analyses the processes of production of statelessness in South Asia in general, and with regard to the Rohingyas in particular.

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There is a lack of knowledge concerning how unaccompanied refugee minors (UMs) perceive integration. We discuss how integration could be supported, for example, through making UMs co-creators of interventions and through acknowledging the importance of meaningful activities, relationships, and concrete support.
Literary Journal
We publish original articles written by our team that cover a range of topics from the trendiest authors to books, reading news and more! Simply put, Lirra’s Literary Journal is your go-to publication for all things reading.

Ancient Stories Retold

How Should One Read A Book? – Shauna expounds upon Virginia Woolf’s unique perspective on reading. By relating the essay to her own journey with fiction, Shauna reflects on how Woolf’s powerful message in the essay helped her to regain her passion for reading widely in this heartfelt article on the relationship between a reader and their books. To read more, head over to our website now!

Orientalism's Interlocutors

Exploring the friendships found in books – Yuki discusses the heartwarming friendship detailed in 84 Charing Cross Road.

The book is a heartwarming tale about friendship between a lover of antique books and an antique bookstore written in an epistolary format. This sentimental and emotional tale teaches it’s readers about learning to love and laugh through the medium of letters and books. To read more, head over to our website now!

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