With crayons and stained paper, I wander around neighbourhoods in Singapore, doing art — observing, perceiving, looking for that “something”; seeing it accidentally, hopefully; having strong, often unspeakable feelings, about it; drawing breathlessly… What I look at, what I see, how I feel and what/how I draw, are part of my living, being, growing and learning.
I am always excited about any viewer of my work seeing and feeling as they do individually, originally and creatively, totally independent of what is in my mind/heart. ~ Ho Chee Lick
In Chinese, 衣食住行 (yi shi zhu xing) refers to the everyday life of the common people: clothing, food, housing, transport.
Presented by NUS Libraries, the exhibition features “Common Life” — an expression of the everyday life of common Singaporeans.
With crayons and stained paper, Dr Ho Chee Lick captures the littlest moments that touches his heart. Since 2014, this theme has been the main focus of Dr Ho’s art. Accompanying each of his drawing is a Syair (Malay rhymed poem) with English translation contributed by Dr Azhar Ibrahim.

Di sana sini banyaklah pusat Membeli-belah menjadi sakat Ada butik jahitan dan tekat Silalah tempah siapa berminat |
Throughout the island malls abundant Shopping craze hypnotizing the island Tailoring and embroidery shops abound For those interested, welcome to indent |

Serata estet projek bermacam Dibaiki dicantik luar dan dalam Pekerja membanting siang dan malam Makan berduduk bagaikan bertilam |
Throughout the estate countless projects Renovation and refurbishments with some effects Workers on duty day and night Sitting and gathering at void deck, in great delight |

Juga terdapat kedai jualan Mudahkan penduduk beli barangan Harganya kadang sedikit lebihan Yang penting kolong tak sepi sunyian |
Some blocks you can find convenient stores Enabling residents to shop easily more Though the prices may be higher than before But the void deck is busied like a fun fare galore |

Banyak terdapat pojok warga Tempat khas orang-orang tua Dihias pohonan kerusi dan meja Inilah tempat menghabiskan masa |
Citizens’ corners in some blocks Retirees and housewives come to flock Decorated with sofas plant and rocks You spend the time till ten o’clock |
Banyak menimbun barangan buangan Sehingga berabuk berkarat sesakan Bersivik kurang berbuat sembarangan Akhirnya kolong tikus bersarangan |
But some void decks cluttered by trash Turning it like a house of stash Uncivic practices beamingly so rash Void deck turns into den of crass |

Ada kolong sedikit istimewa Terdapat gym khas dibina Datanglah beriadah tua dan muda Pendudukpun sihat membugar badannya |
Some estates are special indeed You can find gym specially built Old and young exercise to build Mind and body healthy and fit |

Di kolong flat ternampak sering Orang tua uzur disorong diiring Pembantu rumah tugasnya penting Temanin tuannya sakit dan pening |
You will see at the void deck often Old folks in wheelchairs beholden The maid’s presence is important Accompanying in good health or when spirit dampen |

Di bawah kolong lega dan rapi Sebulan sekali dibasuh dicuci Tahulah siapa kerjanya ini Pekerja asing selalunya Bangladeshi |
Under the block, wide and orderly Once a month being washed properly You know whose work obviously Foreign workers, Bangladeshi mostly |