The travelling exhibition titled “A Moment in History: Singapore and the 1911 Revolution” is stationed at the NUS Central Library on Level 4 until 31 March 2016. This English-Chinese bilingual exhibition is co-curated by Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall and Hwa Chong Institution, and brings to life the historical links between Singapore, China and Dr. Sun Yat Sen prior to the success of the 1911 Revolution. More importantly, the exhibition highlights the Prominent Trio, namely Teo Eng Hock, Tan Chor Lam and Lim Nee Soon. The Trio were not only keen supporters of Dr Sun Yat Sen and the revolutionary cause, but also hugely contributed to the welfare of the local Chinese community, especially in education.
In conjunction with the exhibition, a Mandarin talk titled “The Prominent Trio: Singapore and the 1911 Chinese Revolution” will be held at NUS Central Library Theatrette 1 (Level 4) on 31 March 2016 (Thursday) from 12.00pm to 1.30pm. The speaker is Dr. Tan Teng Phee, Curator of Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall. This talk is jointly organised by NUS Chinese Library, The Chinese in Southeast Asia Research Group, NUS Department of Chinese Studies and Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall.
《百年回眸:新加坡与辛亥革命》巡回特展,现于国大中央图书馆四楼展出至2016年3月31日。此巡回展是晚晴园-孙中山南洋纪念馆首次与华侨中学(高中部)的学生共同呈献的展览。学生在馆内研究员的协助下,展开资料收集与文字撰写的工作。展览的内容除了凸出南洋与新加坡对辛亥革命的贡献,也介绍“星洲三杰”张永福、陈楚 楠以及林义顺,在孙中山的革命事业里所扮演的重要角色。
配合此次巡回展,“国大中文图书馆”、“国大中文系东南亚华人研究群” 和“晚晴园—孙中山南洋纪念馆”将于3月31日(星期四)中午12时至下午1时30分联办一场有关新加坡与辛亥革命的专题讲座:“星洲三杰:史料研究与展览叙事”。主讲人是陈丁辉博士(晚晴园-孙中山南洋纪念馆研究员)。