Exhibition and Talk on Chinese Education in Singapore @ Central Library

A traveling exhibition titled “Passion & Knowledge: Singapore Chinese Pioneers in Education” is being held at the NUS Central Library on Level 4 from 21 September to 31 October 2015. This English-Chinese bilingual exhibition is co-curated by Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall and Chung Cheng High School (Main), and features the contributions of four local Chinese business and education pioneers, namely Aw Boon Haw, Liew Yuen Sien, Tan Boo Liat and Tan Yeok Seong, who contributed much to the development of education in Singapore. The exhibition narrates a brief biography of the four pioneers, and highlights their contributions towards the Chinese society, in particular the educational and cultural sphere.

In conjunction with the exhibition, a Mandarin talk on Chinese Education in Singapore by Mr. Kua Bak Lim will be held at NUS Central Library Theatrette 1 (Level 4) on 30 September 2015 (Wednesday) from 4.00pm to 5.30pm. The co-organisers are NUS Chinese Library, The Chinese in Southeast Asia Research Group, NUS Department of Chinese Studies and Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall. We welcome NUS staff and students to attend the talk.



配合此次展览,“国大中文图书馆”、“国大中文系东南亚华人研究群” 和“晚晴园—孙中山南洋纪念馆”将于9月30日联办一场专题讲座:〈春风化雨一百年〉–从碑刻看新加坡华文教育。主讲人是柯木林先生(Mr. Kua Bak Lim)。


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