OOMMF Extensions
The following Object-Oriented MicroMagnetics Framework (OOMMF, http://math.nist.gov/oommf) extensions were created to enable new simulation capabilities in OOMMF.
- For enabling spin-transfer torque simulations with thermal fluctuations:
I am a Chinese graduate student in Sichuan province,my thesis topic is about STT logic.
Form other published theses,I know I should use Cadence and Verolog-A to simulate it.But I want first to simulate with OOMMF,but many problems appeared and I am very upset.
Can you give me some advice about this field and how to begin?
Hi Haipeng,
To learn OOMMF, it may be a good idea to try running simulations using the OOMMF examples. You might want to look in app/oxs/examples and app/oxs/local of the OOMMF v1.2a4 archive to find many examples. I think the latest v1.2a5 archive only has examples in app/oxs/examples, and they are not as complete as in the v1.2a4 archive. You can try to join the uMag mailing list in NIST to find out solutions to your problems from other users.
Dear Dr Fong,
Good morning. This is Fusheng, a research fellow in the National university of Singapore.
I am trying to use the Xf_ThermHeunEvolve extension, but it is not combined into the OOMMF yet.
And I tried to install this extension to OOMMF1.2a5 with TCL/TK8.6.1 on Windows 7 system, but failed. So I would like to ask you for help on which version of OOMMF are you used to compiled? Do you have a pre-compiled version? If so, can send me a copy?
Thanks a lot.
Best regards
Hi Fusheng,
Do you have access to a Linux computer? It is much more easy to recompile the code in Linux. Alternatively, you can look through the threads and manuals to see if the compilers and Tcl/Tk can be set up in Windows through MingW64 or through Cygwin. From what I understand, you should be able to compile OOMMF in that as well.