Coldplay Pressing Pause
Hi everyone!!
At the end of 2019, before COVID-19 took over the world and forced many artists to cancel shows and stop touring, there was one band that had already called quits on touring – Coldplay.
While other bands and musicians are patiently waiting on this pandemic before going right back into their old routine of touring around the world and performing at music festivals, Coldplay is waiting on something entirely different. They are waiting until they can come back offering carbon neutral concerts.
Lead Singer Chris Martin told BBC News that they will not be touring their new album ‘Everyday Life’ until they can offer carbon neutral concerts. He said that “We’re taking time over the next year or two to work out how our tour can not only be sustainable [but] how can it be actively beneficial”
They understand however that it will be very hard to figure out a way to hold carbon neutral concerts due to the many factors that they have to take into account, with transportation being one of the biggest problems. Despite how tough it will be to figure out, they are still hopeful as he says: “We would be disappointed if it’s not carbon neutral. The hardest thing is the flying side of things. But, for example, our dream is to have a show with no single use plastic, to have it largely solar powered. We’ve done a lot of big tours at this point. How do we turn it around so it’s not so much taking as giving?”.
So while the other artists and bands wait for COVID-19 to simmer down so they can get back to their usual program, Coldplay will be spending the next 1-2 years trying to figure out how they’re going to not only make this tour sustainable but also beneficial for the environment.
Here is the Interview that Chris Martin had with BBC News on the matter:
Coldplay to pause touring until concerts are ‘environmentally beneficial’. (2019, November 21). Retrieved November 10, 2020, from
Shaffer, C. (2019, November 25). Coldplay Pause Touring Over Environmental Concerns. Retrieved November 10, 2020, from