Group Meeting

  • June. 16, 2018, Dr. Xingjie Shi, “LR Methods for Accurate Covariance Estimates from MFVB with Application in LMM”. Xingjie show how this method works to correct variance for variational inference with an example in linear mixed model.

  • Aug. 17, 2018, Dr. Qing Cheng, “The EM algorithm and Variational Inference”. Qing reviewed the EM algorithm with applications to GMM and LMM and variational inference algorithm.

  • April 24, 2019, Dr. Xingjie Shi, “A simple new approach to variable selection in regression”. Xingjie reviewed a new variable selection method.
  • May 10, 2019, Yi Yang, “t-SNE and UMAP, and their applications in single-cell data analysis”. Yi reviewed t-SNE and UMAP and discussed for the on-going project on hierarchical Gaussian mixture model for single-cell analysis.
  • July 29, 2019, Kar-Fu Yeung, “Latent Dirichlet Allocation”. Kar-Fu reviewed LDA and discussed her on-going project.
  • Aug. 14, 2019, Xu Liao, “oi-VAE: Output Interpretable VAEs for Nonlinear Group Factor Analysis”. Xu reviewed the output interpretable VAE.
  • Aug. 28, 2019, Chenglin Niu, “Deep Learning in MRI image Reconstruction”. Chenglin reviewed CNN, RNN and ResNet and talked about his final year project done previously.


2020 Spring: 14 Feb. Dr. Xingjie Shi, 28 Feb. Yi Yang, 13 Mar. Xu Liao, 27 Mar. Chenglin Niu, 17 April Kar Fu Yeung, 1 May Yang Zhang, 15 May Qing Cheng.