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Learning Seminar on PDE

We meet 2-3:30 on Wednesdays in S17-04-04.

If you would like to participate, let me know.

  1. 26/01, Yao
  2. 02/02, Happy Chinese New Year!
  3. 09/02, Haoyang and Wenze
  4. 16/02, Haoyang and Wenze
  5. 23/02, Happy recess week!
  6. 02/03, Te
  7. 09/03, Taoran
  8. 16/03, Minling
  9. 23/03, Xinliang
  10. 30/03, Hui
  11. 06/04, Wenze
  12. 13/04, Matias
  13. 20/04, Yao
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Blog.nus accounts will move to SSO login, tentatively before the start of AY24/25 Sem 2. Once implemented, only current NUS staff and students will be able to log in to Blog.nus. Public blogs remain readable to non-logged in users. (More information.)

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