E-mail: Last name followed by “hao” at nus dot edu dot sg

Office: 07-06, S17 Department of Mathematics, NUS.

Field of interest: extremal combinatorics, probabilistic/algebraic methods, spectral graph theory, structural graph theory, and applications in theoretical computer science.

A brief biosketch:

Currently I am an Associate Professor at National University of Singapore.

Before joining NUS, I was a tenure-track Assistant Professor from 2015 to 2021 (tenured in 2021) in the Department of Mathematics at Emory University. As a postdoc (2012-2015), I enjoyed the hospitality of  Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton,  DIMACS at Rutgers University, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications at UMN.

I completed my B.S. degree in School of Mathematical SciencesPeking University back in 2007. I received my Ph.D. degree in June 2012, from Department of MathematicsUCLA, advised by Professor Benny Sudakov.  (Click for a nice photo of our combinatorics group at UCLA).

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