Useful links

Below is a selected list of links which you might find useful 🙂


General Information for NUS History students 

  1. NUS History modules offered for the academic year 20/21 here
  2. Info from the department on Honours Thesis and ISMs here


Additional Online Resources 

  1. NUS Libguides–A place where students can find guides written by NUS libraries for a broad spectrum of things, including: subject guides and citation guides.
  2. NUS Libraries’ Researcher Unbound series. It offers free workshops to NUS students about a range of research issues, including:
    • Introduction to Singapore sources
    • How to use coding software (e.g ‘R’)
    • How to use citation managers (e.g Zotero and Mendeley)
    • How to research effectively (e.g how to use free online content for your research, how to utilise SAGE research methods).
    • Take note that registration is required for these workshops! If you are unable to get a slot however, fret not, as the sessions are usually recorded and you can check back for the recording to be uploaded.
  3. BBC Podcasts and documentaries– Podcasts and documentaries by BBC which offer bite-sized information through visual and audio storytelling. (Good just for when you want a break too!)