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Hi History majors!

I’m Dorcas, a recent graduate from NUS History, and I’m one of the administrators of this blog for history students that ~hopefully~ many will find useful. This project was spearheaded by the History Department after realising that many students did not know where to look for History-related materials. As a result, during my traineeship with Dr Brunero, I was tasked to create this blog to offer students a starting point when looking for such resources.

To navigate this page, use the side bar located on the left. There are seven categories in this blog:

  1. AboutA word of introduction from Dr Brunero and a brief introduction of our page.
  2. Databases–covering various topics and regions
  3. Writing Guides–advice on how to write and research effectively
  4. Citation Guides–Chicago citation style
  5. The uNUSusal Historian–Professors from the History department share tips and advice on how to research and write in their respective areas of expertise
  6. Useful Links–links to information about ISMs, Honours Thesis, and free library resources
  7. Contact–a channel that links us to you! Please leave your feedback here 🙂

Click on the respective categories to access posts under it. Alternatively, type a keyword into the search bar. All posts in this blog have been tagged with #hashtags and related posts featuring your key word will appear in the search.

I hope that many of you will find this page helpful. Feel free to share this blog with your other history cohort mates. We welcome feedback via the comments button, or through a mail to Happy searching!