Carbon Footprint of ENV1101 Assignment

Hey there!

Time has passed pretty quickly and now, before we know it, we are already coming to the end of the semester. At the very start of this blogpost assignment, Dr. Coleman actually suggested that I do a study on the carbon footprint of this assignment itself. I found that to have been a very good idea and thus now, for my final post of this assignment, I am going to find out what is the collective carbon footprint of this blogpost assignment.

We have 46 students taking ENV1101 this semester. Let’s assume that it takes an average of 2 hours to write each blogpost. We’ll have to first take a look at amount of emissions produced just to run a laptop for this duration. According to this site, a laptop emits 175kg of carbon per year. Doing the math, that would be around 23g per hour. So, just to operate our laptop for the assignment, there will be 2,116g of CO2 emitted.

Also, let us assume that each content post requires around 30 Google searches. As I have mentioned in my first blogpost, each Google search generates about 7g of carbon. Our collective amount of carbon generated will thus be 9,660g.

Combining the two aspects, 11,776g of carbon is generated per blog post. For the entire assignment, assuming that each of us do at least 8 content posts and at least 9 posts in total, that will be at least 96,324g of carbon being released into the atmosphere by the end of the semester.

It has been pretty interesting looking at how the Internet actually relates to the environment throughout this assignment. (I have to say, for this particular blog post, I was really conscious of the carbon I was producing every second as I was typing out this post and every time I do a Google search.)

I have learned a lot from this assignment, about both my own topic and that of others. Furthermore, I saw firsthand the kind of work that goes into creating and managing a blog, which was an eye opening experience. I love that we got a chance to do this assignment and learn so much together as a batch. With that, for the last time on this blog, thank you for taking the time to read this and goodbye!

Sze Jie

2 Replies to “Carbon Footprint of ENV1101 Assignment”

  1. Joanna L Coleman says: Reply

    Hi Sze Jie – well, this is just great ! Love this post. So glad you did this. I have a suggestion in future (especially if you want to convey a message effectively). Compare the C footprint to something else. Like, 9,6 kg of carbon… how many km would you have to drive in a car to emit that much, etc.

  2. Jenny Jenkins says: Reply

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