In my previous posts, I have talked about the impacts of our usage of the Internet on the environment, regardless of whether it was about the large carbon footprint generated from the operations of the Internet or the benefits to the environment arising from the environmental movements online. Today, I would actually like to touch on some interesting sources of news and information to get news about environmental issues online.
Personally I find videos very quick ways to get overviews of topics on the environment which we may have been unfamiliar about.
Vox Climate Lab is a collaboration between Vox and the University of California. I have always found Vox videos interesting and educational and was thus excited when they decided to introduce the Climate Lab series. The series can be found on YouTube but on the Climate Lab website itself, you’ll find that, on top of videos, they also have articles on climate issues. The regretful thing about this site is that they stopped updating the site in late 2017. Nevertheless, I feel that the current content present would still be informative to watch and the articles would be interesting reads.
Our Changing Climate is a YouTube channel which talks about various environmental issues. Some of their videos are actually inspirations for a few of the topics of my blogposts. Although videos may not always be completely reliable sources of information, Our Changing Climate do cite their videos with papers which have been useful for me to find out more about the topics and for confirming the accuracy of the video’s content.
I feel that videos like these are good ways to extend the reach of information of environmental issues to the general public. Personally the videos has brought my attention to issues which I did not even know existed. I really would encourage looking at said sources and watching some of the videos during your free time!