Hello! In this next installation of my blog, I will be talking about the environmental impacts of online shopping, specifically in comparison to shopping traditionally. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) did a study researching the carbon footprint of different types of shoppers, ranging from Traditional Shoppers who do their shopping completely offline, to Cybernauts […]
Month: September 2019
A Study In Google
Hello again! In my previous blog post, I mentioned about the impacts of the Internet on our environment. In this blog post, I will thus talk about the efforts major corporations have put in to reduce their footprints. Google is currently one of the leading corporations in terms of environmental efforts. Let’s take a look […]
Uncovering the Carbon Footprint of Internet
Welcome back to my blog! It’s easy to oversee the environmental impacts of our Internet activities as we are not able to physically sense or touch “the Internet”. So, before we can proceed any further, we will first have to understand how the usage of the Internet even results in carbon emissions. Allow me to […]
Hello there!
Welcome to my ENV1101 blog! I am Sze Jie, a Year 1 Bachelor of Environmental Studies student. To begin, let me tell you some things about myself. One thing I truly cannot live without is music. I feel that music simply speaks to your soul like nothing else could. I also love travelling to beautiful […]