Content Analysis Of Student AI Use In A First-Year Writing Course

Jonathan FROME  

NUS College

Frome, J. (2024). Content analysis of student AI use in a first-year writing course [Paper presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore.


Opportunities from Generative AI 


Generative AI, undergraduate, AI-assisted writing, content analysis 


Paper Presentation 



The take-home essay has traditionally served as a reliable proxy for evaluating student writing skills. The rise of Generative AI (GenAI), however, has led to concerns that the take-home essay may no longer be a valid assessment tool. If instructors cannot determine whether a student or GenAI completed an assignment, such assignments may fail to demonstrate whether students have achieved the intended course learning outcomes. This concern is widespread among educators who rely on essays for assessment. For instance, Cardon et al.’s (2023) survey of over 300 communication instructors confirms the widespread concern that GenAI will increase plagiarism, reduce critical thinking, diminish writing skills, and make student assessment difficult. These fears often stem from intuitions about student behavior, such as the belief that “students just want the tool’s output without engaging in the actual [writing] process” (Chang et al. 2023). The speed with which GenAI can produce relatively high-quality essays has led some to suggest that university writing might shift to a model where “young writers will [try] to craft something meaningful and precise from the rough block of generic text that AI has provided them” (Moore 2023). 


Yet we cannot determine whether these concerns are justified because of a critical gap in the literature: the lack of research on how students actually use GenAI tools. Although instructors have strong intuitions about the effects of allowing students to use GenAI for writing assignments, few of these intuitions are evidence-based. We simply know very little about how students use GenAI in their coursework. While some instructors are beginning to incorporate GenAI into classroom activities, the primary concerns revolve around its use outside the classroom, which could undermine the effectiveness of essay writing for skill-building and assessment. 


This study aims to address this knowledge gap by exploring the following questions: How do students actually use GenAI tools for writing assignments when allowed to do so? How does their use relate to the primary concerns expressed by instructors? And what implications does this relationship have for designing college writing courses? 


In this study, students in a first-year writing class were allowed to use ChatGPT freely for their coursework, provided they shared links to their chat transcripts. The chats were downloaded, formatted into a spreadsheet, and analysed as pairs of user prompts and ChatGPT outputs. Over 600 pairs of prompts and outputs were collected and coded to understand how students used ChatGPT to complete their assignments. The coding categories were based on academic writing as a process involving discrete activities: reading and analysing sources, generating ideas, drafting, revising content, and revising form. Additional categories were added inductively during the coding process. 


The most serious concerns among instructors included fears that students would “offload” important writing activities (Watkins, 2024) to GenAI, such as active reading, thesis generation, and initial drafting. Such use could undermine the pedagogical value of assignments. Our findings suggest these concerns are supported only to a limited extent. Students were more likely to use GenAI as a reading aid (e.g., clarifying specific sentences) than as a substitute for active reading (e.g., summarising entire texts). Additionally, students used GenAI more often for revising their drafts than for generating initial drafts. 


These preliminary results suggest that in the context of take-home essays, the most salient instructor concerns about GenAI use are not entirely borne out. The stereotype that students will use GenAI to write essays for them was not supported, at least for the observed participants (though different students and assignments might yield different results). The findings also underscore the importance of considering specific course learning outcomes when evaluating the disruptive potential of GenAI. 


More fundamentally, this study provides an evidence-based account of how students use GenAI for writing assignments, which is crucial for developing more effective teaching strategies. Understanding student use of GenAI allows educators to design assignments that enhance learning and integrate GenAI into courses in ways that support, rather than undermine, critical thinking and writing skills. 



Cardon, P., Fleischmann, C., Aritz, J., Logemann, M., & Heidewald, J. (2023). The challenges and opportunities of AI-assisted writing: Developing AI literacy for the AI age. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 86(3), 257–295. 

Chang, D. H., Lin, M. P.-C., Hajian, S., & Wang, Q. Q. (2023). Educational design principles of using AI chatbot that supports self-regulated learning in education: Goal setting, feedback, and personalization. Sustainability, 15(17), 12921.  

Moore, A. (2023, June 25). Is there any point still teaching academic writing in the AI age? Times Higher Education. 

Watkins, M. (2024). Automated Aid or Offloading Close Reading? Student Perspectives on AI Reading Assistants. 

Exploring The Effects of An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbot on Learning and Motivation Among Pharmacy Students

Lik-Wei WONG1*, Amanda Huee-Ping WONG1, Valerie Ying Hui TAN2, Embang Johann Emilio GONZALES2 and Shing Chuan HOOI1

1Department of Physiology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM), National University of Singapore (NUS)
2Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, YLLSOM, NUS


Wong, L.-W., Wong, A. H.-P., Tan, V. Y. H.,  Gonzales, E. J. E., & Hooi, S.C. (2024). Exploring The Effects of An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbot on Learning and Motivation Among Pharmacy Students [Lightning Talk]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore.



Opportunities from Generative AI


AI chatbot, ChatGPT, learning, motivation, undergraduate


Lightning Talk


The rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have prompted us to re-evaluate the future of our education. Although AI has great potential to enhance teaching and learning, its role in pedagogy and instruction has not been fully studied. Motivation has been shown to influence students’ learning approaches, their engagement level, their persistence in accomplishing goals, and their thinking processes (Chiu, 2022). Ryan and Deci (2017; 2020) propose Self-Determination Theory (SDT) suggesting that autonomous motivation is the preferred type of motivation for learning as it can lead to greater engagement and persistence. A recent study has found that university students who engaged with AI chatbots had greater intrinsic motivation than those who did not. These findings imply that students may feel more comfortable and engaged when interacting with chatbots, potentially leading to increased expression of ideas (Yin et al., 2021) and higher levels of motivation (Fryer et al., 2019).


As AI technology continues to advance, its impact on the education of medical and health professionals will be significant. While some argue that it may have negative implications for students’ learning, educators should consider incorporating AI technology into their teaching methods to enhance students’ learning experiences. This study aims to investigate the potential of AI chatbots as a pedagogical tool for enhancing learning and motivation among pharmacy students.


Participants in this study were second-year undergraduate pharmacy students enrolled in the PR2153 course on the Cardiovascular System during Semester 1 of AY2023/24. For the physiology components of the course, students were provided with various educational resources, such as eBooks, online lecture videos, and quizzes for self-directed learning, before attending in-person classroom discussions. Students were encouraged to submit questions via a designated Question & Answer (Q&A) link and to use ChatGPT to find answers to their questions. The teachers would then evaluate ChatGPT’s responses and provide further clarifications, where necessary. Additionally, ChatGPT was incorporated into a case-based group discussion. To evaluate the AI chatbot’s impact on motivation, we used the established SDT and Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) in a post-course anonymous survey questionnaire. The survey included two open-ended questions about the AI chatbot’s strengths and limitations. Additionally, focus group discussions were conducted and analysed thematically to determine AI chatbot’s effects on learning and motivation.


60.2% (50/83) of the students participated in and completed the survey, using ChatGPT for their study of cardiovascular physiology. Overall, needs satisfaction (3.59 ± 0.81) was significantly higher (p<0.001) in students who used ChatGPT for their studies compared to those who did not (needs satisfaction: 2.98 ± 0.76). Students who used ChatGPT demonstrated significantly higher levels (p<0.05) of all three components—autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Additionally, students who used ChatGPT showed higher interest (p<0.001) and found value (p<0.001) in using the AI chatbot. These results indicate that AI chatbots promote students’ motivation. In general, students found ChatGPT to be a useful tool for generating fast, easy-to-understand answers and provoking ideas. These benefits, in turn, facilitated their learning and the development of metacognitive skills. However, students were also aware of its limitations, particularly regarding accuracy, credibility, and generalized answers.


This study found that students who engaged with the AI chatbot exhibited greater intrinsic motivation, potentially leading to increased expression of ideas and promoted thinking, thereby enhancing learning and boosting overall motivation. Therefore, the use of AI chatbots should be encouraged to supplement learning by incorporating them alongside traditional teaching resources.


Chiu, T. K. (2021). Applying the self-determination theory (SDT) to explain student engagement in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 54(1), S14-S30.

Fryer, L. K., Nakao, K., & Thompson, A. (2019). Chatbot learning partners: Connecting learning experiences, interest and competence. Computers in Human Behavior, 93, 279-289.

Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2017). Self-determination theory: Basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness. Guilford Press.

Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2020). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation from a self-determination theory perspective: Definitions, theory, practices, and future directions. Contemporary educational Psychology, 61.

Yin, J., Goh, T.-T., Yang, B., & Xiaobin, Y. (2020). Conversation technology with micro-learning: The impact of chatbot-based learning on students’ learning motivation and performance. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 59(1), 154-177.

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