Reflective Learning: The Use of Mind Maps in Biodiversity Courses

Theresa Linting SU*, Weiting XU, and Zeehan Jaafar

Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science


Su, T. L., Xu, W., & Jaafar, Z. (2024). Reflective Learning: The Use of Mind Maps in Biodiversity Courses [Lightning Talk]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore.





Active learning, reflective learning, mind mapping, education tool


Lightning Talk


Mind maps are visual representations of information organised in a hierarchical but non-linear manner. This method enables practitioners to visualise complex concepts and elucidate relationships between seemingly disjunct ideas. With a central theme surrounded by related sub-themes, and concepts or ideas connected by branches, this method is designed to mimic the brain’s natural thought processes (Buzan et al., 2010). The use of mind maps has been demonstrated to enhance memory retention, creativity, and comprehension; primarily because this method engages both analytical and creative hemispheres of the brain (Nesbit & Adesope, 2006). Compared to traditional note-taking methods, students who employed mind maps were shown to improve their long-term memory by 10% (Farrand et al., 2002); further corroborating its effectiveness. Mind maps are therefore powerful tools for learners to organise and integrate knowledge in a meaningful way.


This study leverages the broad adoption of mind maps in many scholastic settings. We assess individual student learning through reflection and syntheses of course material. Students reading two Level 4000 courses that are similar in approaches and content structure — LSM4257 “Aquatic Vertebrate Diversity” and/or LSM4266 “Aquatic Invertebrate Diversity” — were (will be) assigned two exercises. Students attempt the first exercise at the beginning of the course, comprising one mind map with the course title as the central idea. The second exercise can only be attempted towards the end of the course after the majority of contents (i.e., lectures, laboratory sessions, field trips) have been covered. In addition to attempting a second mind map, students must also complete a reflection piece that describes their experience with the course they read.


To begin, the students are tasked to create a mind map of Aquatic (In)Vertebrate Diversity after the first lecture, drawing on their current understanding of the topic. It could be information from a previous course, documentary, or even personal experience. Students were guided on how to create a mind map with the central theme, with branches (e.g., major phyla, ecosystems, ecological function, etc.) and sub-branches (e.g., specific organisms, examples, etc.). They were also asked to include visual enhancement wherever possible (e.g., colour-coding, sketches, symbols, and spatial organisation to emphasise connections and patterns, etc.).


With reference to the mind map produced, students were tasked to write a personal reflection with the following prompts — (1) How did the mind-mapping exercise enhance your overview of this topic? (2) Identify at least two (sub-) branches of interest to you and elaborate on your curiosity. (3) How can applying mind-mapping and reflective learning techniques benefit your approach to other academic inquiries?


At the end of the course, students were asked to repeat the mind map and reflection exercise, with the additional prompt of comparing the initial and final mind map and if there was/were any change(s) and/or shift(s).

a38 - fig1 (a)a38 - fig 1 (b)

Figure 1. Initial and final mind maps of Student A.


To analyse the mind maps, we intend to include steps that collectively allow us to understand and interpret both the hierarchical structure and the interrelationships presented. The depths and breadths of the subject may be discussed through the primary and secondary branches, which denote the main topics and peripheral ideas, respectively. The use of colours, symbols, and images may also provide insights into the cognitive emphasis placed on different ideas (Buzan & Buzan, 2010). We can also conduct qualitative analysis to interpret the connections and the logical flow between concepts, which can offer a deeper understanding of the learner’s thought processes and organisational skills (Eppler, 2006). Additionally, mind maps can be assessed quantitatively through parameters like node count, branch length, and textual density to provide a more objective analysis (Davies, 2011). Lastly, thematic analyses of the reflections can provide an added dimension to our understanding of the student’s learning process. By combining visual inspection with qualitative and quantitative methods of mind maps and reflections, we hope to comprehensively evaluate how the students learn in the two listed aquatic diversity courses.


Buzan, T., Buzan, B., & Harrison, J. (2010). The mind map book: Unlock your creativity, boost your memory, change your life. Pearson BBC Active.

Davies, M. (2011). Concept mapping, mind mapping and argument mapping: What are the differences and do they matter? Higher Education, 62, 279–301.

Eppler, M. J. (2006). A comparison between concept maps, mind maps, conceptual diagrams, and visual metaphors as complementary tools for knowledge construction and sharing.
Information Visualization, 5(3), 202–210.

Farrand, P., Hussain, F., & Hennessy, E. (2002). The efficacy of the ‘mind map’ study technique. Medical Education, 36(5), 426–431.

Nesbit, J. C., & Adesope, O. O. (2006). Learning with concept and knowledge maps: A meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research, 76(3), 413–448.

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