Fostering Higher Order Learning in a Core Curriculum Module at Singapore Polytechnic

Kin Guan WEE1, Stephen En Rong TAY2

1School of Mathematics and Science, Singapore Polytechnic
2Department of the Built Environment, College of Design and Engineering (CDE), NUS;

Wee. K. G., & Tay, S. E. R. (2024). Fostering higher order learning in a core curriculum module at Singapore Polytechnic [Paper presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore.


Opportunities from Engaging Communities 


Service-learning, general education, communities, volunteering, social services 


Paper Presentation



Singapore Polytechnic (SP) adopted interdisciplinary education through the SP Common Core Curriculum (CCC) in 2021 (SP Common Core Curriculum, n.d.). Within the SP CCC, the Data Fluency (DF) module aims to equip students with skills to employ data-handling processes. The assessments require students to demonstrate competency to use data to examine one aspect of a UN SDG (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals)1 and generate insights to support a theoretical solution to a UN SDG.  


The motivation to use scenario-based student-generated questions and answers (sb-SGQA) arose from the lack of understanding and application of the module content by some students even after Bigg’s Constructive Alignment (Biggs, 1996) and Michaelsen’s Team-based Learning (TBL) (Michaelsen & Sweet, 2008) framework were employed for DF in the previous academic years, evidenced by the low assessment scores in the submitted assignment CA2.  


The sb-SGQA pedagogy builds upon student-generated questions (SGQ) (Rosenshine et al., 1996), which leads to active engagement of higher domains in Bloom’s taxonomy (Bates et al., 2014). The positive outcomes of the sb-SGQA implementation in other university courses (Du & Tay, 2022; Tay & Liu, 2023) provided confidence for its implementation for DF in SP. 

Hence, our research questions are: 

  1. How does sb-SGQA help with students’ learning, as measured by the scores and the students’ artefacts in CA2?
  2. How do students perceive the implementation of sb-SGQA in CA2, as measured by a post-module survey questionnaire? 



In Academic Year 2024/25 Semester 1, the sb-SGQA (termed as Data Q&A) was implemented at the middle of the module. Students are tasked to collect data from the community and develop a dashboard in a team. Subsequently, findings are summarised in five questions and answers. A post-module survey was administered at the end of the term. After data cleaning, a sample size of 475 CA2 submissions and 16 survey responses were obtained. The study was approved by SP’s Institutional Review Board. 



1. Students’ mark distribution 

A histogram of students’ CA2 mark distribution (n = 475) is illustrated in Figure 1. The distribution is slightly left-skewed, which signifies a higher mean than median mark. While a comparison with the control group was not possible due to changes in the assessment modes, an analysis of students’ artefacts revealed an improvement in the quality of assignments. 

Figure 1. Histogram of students’ CA2 mark distribution (n = 475)


2. Survey result 

Students perceived the implementation of sb-SGQA in the module as helpful and constructive, as evident in the positive responses (“Agree” and “Strongly Agree” options) to Questions (1), (2), and (3) (refer to Table 1). In addition, the students agreed that the skills learnt in the sb-SGQA process are transferrable for their future, as shown in Questions (4) and (5). Qualitative feedback will be discussed during the conference due to the abstract word limit. 

Table 1
Sb-SGQA survey result (n = 16, bracketed numbers indicate the percentage across the row)


3. Students’ artefacts 

Based on the dashboard (Figure 2), it was noted that the students were able to address questions and develop answers that incorporate thinking skills of varying orders (level 1 in Q1, level 2 in Q2 and Q3, and level 3 in Q4 and Q5 in Figure 3). Specifically, students demonstrated how the skills taught in DF were able to provide them insights into the community’s use of energy and water.

Figure 2. Student team’s Dashboard


Figure 3. Student team’s Data Q&A



The sb-SGQA was successfully implemented in the DF module, which is part of the SP CCC. Though a comparison with a control cohort that has the same assessments was not possible, initial results were positive, indicating increased student engagement and learning in interdisciplinary subjects. Students appreciate the approach’s utility in their learning and professional development. The lack of hardware and software costs greatly aided with implementing sb-SGQA. The authors hope that this collaboration between IHLs could support and motivate similar efforts in the future. 



  1. The UN SDGs are 17 global goals established in 2015 to address challenges such as poverty, inequality, and climate change. Further details about the goals can be found on the official website: 



Bates, S. P., Galloway, R. K., Riise, J., & Homer, D. (2014). Assessing the quality of a student-generated question repository. Physical Review Special Topics – Physics Education Research, 10(2), 020105.  

Biggs, J. (1996). Enhancing teaching through constructive alignment. Higher Education, 32(3), 347–364. 

Du, H., & Tay, E. R. S. (2022). Using scenario-based student-generated questions to improve the learning of engineering mechanics: A case study in civil engineering. In Higher Education Campus Conference (HECC) 2022, 7-8 December, National University of Singapore 

Michaelsen, L. K., & Sweet, M. (2008). The essential elements of team‐based learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2008(116), 7–27.  

Palinscar, A. S., & Brown, A. L. (1984). Reciprocal teaching of comprehension-fostering and comprehension-monitoring activities. Cognition and Instruction, 1(2), 117–175.  

Rosenshine, B., Meister, C., & Chapman, S. (1996). Teaching students to generate questions: A review of the intervention studies. Review of Educational Research, 66(2), 181–221.  

SP Common Core Curriculum. (n.d.). Retrieved 3 July 2024, from 

Tay, E. R. S., & Liu, M. H. (2023, 7 December 2023). Exploratory implementation of scenario-based student-generated questions for students from the humanities and sciences in a scientific inquiry course. In Higher Education Campus Conference (HECC) 2023, Singapore. 

The Impact Of Service-learning Courses On Social Responsibility In Students: A Preliminary Study

1.2Kenneth CHONG, 1.2*Karyne Jie-lin TEO, 1.2HAN Qi, 1.3Anne Suet Lin CHONG, 1.3Nursafiqah SAAD, 1.3LOO Chuan-Jie, 1.4Pamela Qi Ming YEH, 1.4Carrie Jia Yu HO, 1ZHENG Liren

1Department of Social Work, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), NUS
2GEN2060 Team
3GEN2061 Team
4GEN2070 Team


Chong, K., Teo, K. J-L., Han, Q., Chong, A. S. L., Saad, N., Loo, C-J., Yeh, P. Q. M., Ho, C. J. Y., & Zheng, L. (2024). The impact of service-learning courses on social responsibility in students: A preliminary study [Poster presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore. 


Opportunities from Engaging Communities 


Service-learning, general education, communities, volunteering, social services 


Paper Presentation



The National University of Singapore (NUS) installed “Communities and Engagement” (C&E) as its sixth Common Curriculum Pillar in 2021, integrating service and learning to cultivate student engagement with broader societal issues through volunteer action, supported by structured training and guided reflexive learning. In this paper, we discuss the impact of three year-long C&E service-learning courses in developing social responsibility in undergraduate students.


The course GEN2060 “Reconnect SeniorsSG” is a partnership between NUS and the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC). Students serve as community befrienders for seniors facing social isolation. GEN2061 “Support Healthy AgeingSG” is also conducted in collaboration with AIC. Students are trained as Silver Generation Ambassadors to conduct Preventive Health Visits (PHVs) to check in on the well-being of seniors, as well as disseminate information on national support schemes and good practices to promote ageing-in-place. GEN2070 “Community Link (Comlink) Befrienders” is a collaboration between NUS and the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF). Students serve as befrienders to journey with disadvantaged families with young children through home visits and community interactions towards stability, self-reliance, and social mobility. As part of course requirements, each student undertakes 60-80 hours of coordinated service-learning work with the community partners. 


The Pilot Phase for these service-learning courses was conducted over two semesters in AY2022, with 181 students for GEN2060, 166 students for GEN2061, and 168 students for GEN2070 successfully completing their respective courses. Feedback from community stakeholders and students were found to be strongly positive. The courses have now been fully launched with a capacity of 600 students per semester for GEN2060, 750 students for GEN2061, and 300 students for GEN2070, with Course Tutor teams seeking to study the impact of students’ service-learning experiences in shaping their perceptions of community and self, as well as in cultivating social responsibility. 


Anonymised course evaluation surveys, students’ reflection papers as well as data from community partners were analysed. It was found that students expressed affective and cognitive growth from their service-learning experiences. For instance, students developed an emotional attachment to their service-recipients through the course, and grew in their empathy, recognition of their own privileges and a heightened awareness of social inequality. Students also demonstrated growth in their perspectives on the complexity of social issues, systemic barriers, and needs and resources in the community. These perspectives often lead to profound personal transformation and a sense of social responsibility. Finally, an encouraging proportion of students indicated a commitment to continue as a volunteer or be involved in other social initiatives after the course has ended. This commitment is often driven by a sense of personal agency and a belief in their ability to create change in society. 


These results suggest that the key learning objectives of the Communities and Engagement Pillar can be met through the service-learning courses. In addition, they provide insights for the teams to further encourage students to develop their sense of social responsibility. In the longer term, consideration can be given for the programme to be further expanded to the wider NUS population and other institutes of higher learning.



The GEN2050 and GEN2062 Tutor Teams are presently hosted by the Undergraduate Education Unit of the Office of the Provost, NUS. We acknowledge the support and guidance of Ms ONG Mui Hong, Director of Operations & Planning (PVO), and Prof Peter Ho, Vice Provost (Undergraduate Studies & Technology-enhanced Learning). We also acknowledge the support and guidance of A/P Esther GOH, Dr Alex LEE, and A/P LEE Geok Ling.



Deeley, S.J. (2015). Critical Perspectives on Service-Learning in Higher Education. Palgrave MacMillan. 

Evans, Karen (2009). Learning, Work and Social Responsibility: Challenges for lifelong learning in a global age. Springer.  

NUS (2024). Communities and Engagement Pillar. 

Wray-Lake, L., & Syvertsen, A. K. (2011). The developmental roots of social responsibility in childhood and adolescence. In C. A. Flanagan & B. D. Christens (Eds.), Youth civic development: Work at the cutting edge (pp. 11–25). Jossey-Bass. 

Soken-Huberty, E. (2022, October 23). What is Social Responsibility? Human Rights Careers. 

Groove into Ageing: Exploring the Effects of Rhythmic Exercise on the Wellbeing of Older Adults

Kelvin TAN Cheng Kian1,* and Sonia CHANG2 

1Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)
2University of Chicago

Tan, K. C. K., & Chang, S. (2024). Groove into ageing: Exploring the effects of rhythmic exercise on the wellbeing of older adults [Poster presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore.


Opportunities from Engaging Communities 


Ageing, music, communities, physical activity, exercise 


Poster Presentation


As the global population of older adults is increasing, it is increasingly important to address the well-being of this demographic. This poster presents a review of the literature on the efficacy of rhythmic exercise programmes that incorporate elements of physical movement and for enhancing the wellbeing of healthy older adults. 



This review adopted the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Metanalysis (PRISMA) method. Two English electronic databases (PubMed, Web of Science) were systematically searched for this review. 

The search was conducted on 13 October 2023 and was limited to articles published after 1 January 2013.


  • Rhythmic movement programme including dancing, other rhythmic exercise, or physical activities performed to music 
  • Healthy participants free of any frailty, pathology or disease 
  • Participants include elders/seniors/older adults 
  • Programme includes both music and exercise components 
  • Experimental study rather than systematic/realist study 


The results revealed that rhythmic exercise programmes demonstrate significant improvements in physical capabilities, cognitive functioning, psychological well-being, social connections, and physiological parameters. Gaps and limitations in the research to date, such as a lack of studies on the social benefits, limited variation in the types of exercise studied, skewed gender ratios, age-related differences, and the impact of music types and preferences, highlight avenues for future investigation. By addressing these gaps, future research can provide a more nuanced understanding of the effectiveness of rhythmic exercise programmes and inform the development of tailored interventions to meet the diverse needs of older adult populations. 


Rhythmic exercise programmes have demonstrated significant improvements in physical capacities, including balance, motor skills, handgrip strength, lower body strength, and flexibility. Moreover, cognitive capacities, such as perceptual abilities, have been observed to benefit from exercise accompanied by music. The psychological wellbeing of participants was also enhanced, with improvements in emotional states, emotional vulnerability, creativity, and overall psychological resilience. Additionally, there was evidence of an increase in participants’ QOL, highlighting the holistic impact of rhythmic exercise programmes on older adults’ wellbeing. Furthermore, rhythmic exercise programmes were found to foster social connections and increase social interaction among participants, leading to the formation of social bonds and a sense of community. Physiological improvements, including reductions in systolic blood pressure, enhanced pulmonary function, improved cardiopulmonary endurance, and decreased fat ratio, further underscore the comprehensive benefits of these programmes. 


Based on the systematic review finding, we intend to conduct a research study in FaithActs Active Ageing Centre to promote the benefits of the exercise ball involving older persons in the community. 


Ageing and health. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2024, from 

Ambegaonkar, J. P., Matto, H., Ihara, E. S., Tompkins, C., Caswell, S. V., Cortes, N., Davis, R., Coogan, S. M., Fauntroy, V. N., Glass, E., Lee, J., Baraniecki-Zwil, G., & Dhokai, N. (2022). Dance, music, and social conversation program participation positively affects physical and mental health in community-dwelling older adults: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science, 26(4), 255–264. 

Arab, A., Christie, G. J., Mansouri, M., Ahmadzadeh, M., Sixsmith, A., Ester, M., &Moreno, S. (2021). Moderate-intensity physical activity, music and art activities preserved cognitive health in older adults: An argument for social prescribing solution. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13, 693791. 

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Bohannon, R. W. (2006). Reference values for the timed up and go test: a descriptive meta-analysis. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy (2001), 29(2), 64–68. 

Bowling, A., & Stenner, P. (2011). Which measure of quality of life performs best in older age? A comparison of the OPQOL, CASP-19 and WHOQOL-OLD. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65(3), 273–280.  

de Fátima Ribeiro Silva, C., Ohara, D. G., Matos, A. P., Pinto, A. C. P. N., & Pegorari, M. S. (2021). Short Physical Performance Battery as a Measure of Physical Performance and Mortality Predictor in Older Adults: A Comprehensive Literature Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(20), 10612-. 

Douka, S., Zilidou, V. I., Lilou, O., & Manou, V. (2019). Traditional dance improves the physical fitness and well-being of the elderly. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 11, 75. 

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Humberstone, B., & Stuart, S. (2016). Older women, exercise to music, and yoga: Senses of pleasure? Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 24(3), 412–418. 

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Kattenstroth. (2010). Superior sensory, motor, and cognitive performance in elderly individuals with multi-year dancing activities. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 

Köpke, S., & Meyer, G. (2006). The Tinetti test: Babylon in geriatric assessment. Zeitschrift Für Gerontologie Und Geriatrie, 39(4), 288–291. 

Kuys, S. S., Morrison, G., Bew, P. G., Clarke, J., & Haines, T. P. (2011). Further Validation of the Balance Outcome Measure for Elder Rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 92(1), 101–105. 

Ma, C., Li, M., Li, R., & Wu, C. (2023). The effect of rhythmic movement on physical and cognitive functions among cognitively healthy older adults: A systematic review and meta- analysis. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 104, 104837. 

Martin-Wylie, E., Urmston, E., & Redding, E. (2022). Impact of creative dance on subjective well-being amongst older adults: An arts-informed photo-elicitation study. Arts & Health, 1–17. 

Mattle, M., Chocano-Bedoya, P. O., Fischbacher, M., Meyer, U., Abderhalden, L. A., Lang, W., Mansky, R., Kressig, R. W., Steurer, J., Orav, E. J., & Bischoff-Ferrari, H. A. (2020). Association of dance-based mind-motor activities with falls and physical function among healthy older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Network Open, 3(9), e2017688. 

Maury, S., & Rickard, N. (2022). The benefits of participation in a choir and an exercise group on older adults’ wellbeing in a naturalistic setting. Musicae Scientiae, 26(1), 144–171. 

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Noguera,C.,Carmona,D.,Rueda,A.,Fernández,R.,&Cimadevilla,J.M.(2020).Shallwe dance? Dancing modulates executive functions and spatial memory. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(6), 1960. 

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From Classrooms to Community: The Role of Tutors in Facilitating Experiential Learning in Service-learning Courses 

Raiza RIFAAIE1,2, Qin Ying SIM1,2, Chin Yee TAN1,2, Hui Ting WANG1,2, Yvette SEOW1,3*, Hui Bin CAI1,3, Valerie CHUA1,3, Liren ZHENG1

1Department of Social Work, National University of Singapore
2GEN2050 Team
3GEN2062 Team 

Seow, Y., Rifaaie, R., Sim, Q. Y., Wang, H. T., Cai. H. B., Chua, V., & Zheng, L. (2024). From classrooms to community: The role of tutors in facilitating experiential learning in service-learning courses [Poster presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore.


Opportunities from Engaging Communities 


Service-learning, general education, communities, volunteering, social services 


Poster Presentation


The National University of Singapore installed “Communities and Engagement” (C&E) as its sixth Common Curriculum Pillar in 2021, integrating service-work and learning to cultivate student engagement with broader societal issues through volunteer action. This is supported by structured training and guided reflexive learning facilitated by Course Tutors. In this paper, we discuss a key pedagogical innovation – Tutor on-site observation and feedback – that have tested to successfully deliver service-learning on scale for two activity-based year-long courses, GEN2050 Teach SG and GEN2062 Community Activities for Seniors with SG Cares. These courses are conducted in collaboration with the Uplift Programme Office of the Ministry of Education, Singapore, and with SG Cares Office of the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth respectively. 


As part of course requirements, undergraduate students collaborate in teams of 6 to 8 to undertake about 60-80 hours of coordinated volunteer work with community partners, comprising primarily of MOE schools for GEN2050, and Active Ageing Centres (AACs) for GEN2062. In GEN2050, student teams mentor groups of 15-20 primary or secondary school students in after-school programmes for 2 to 3 hours weekly over 2 consecutive MOE school terms (20 weeks), before handing over to the next cohort of student mentors to provide continuity in support to schools. The undergraduate students provide academic support, mentorship care, and organise enrichment activities such as learning journeys for underserved children and youth. In GEN2062, student teams plan and conduct activities to engage seniors at AACs, for 3 hours weekly over a period of 5 months, before handing over to the next cohort of students. The undergraduate students promote healthy ageing-in-place through activities that stimulate cognitive and mobility functions, leveraging on a natural intergenerational bonding. This encourages seniors to gather and bond within their community, combating social isolation. 


The Pilot Phase for GEN2050 was conducted with 170 students over two semesters in AY2022, for GEN2062 with 156 students over Semester 2 in AY2022 and Semester 1 in AY2023. Feedback from community stakeholders and students were found to be strongly positive. The courses have now been fully launched with a capacity of 350 students per semester for GEN2050 and 530 students per semester for GEN2062, with Course Tutor teams seeking continual refinement of teaching pedagogies to facilitate reflexive learning meaningfully. In both courses, quantitative and qualitative evaluation feedback have revealed the overriding importance of Tutor on-site observation and feedback to the overall experiential learning of students. On-site observations and accompanying feedback sessions complement the structured training underpinned by Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle delivered through a blended learning format comprising online lecture videos, tutorial discussions, and personal reflection assignments. They also enhance the close support and coordination offered to students through messaging platforms. 


This also accords with Tutor impact assessments. On-site observation and feedback provide students with opportunities for prompt peer-to-peer learning as they reflect on challenges and reflections collectively with their experiences fresh in their minds and allows tutors the opportunity to provide tailored guidance to shape team dynamics, attitude and behaviour before these become concretised. On-the-spot debrief sessions also facilitate timely, context-specific reflexive learning where students draw connections between their service-learning experiences with broader social issues, fostering empathy and personal effectiveness more effectively than delayed feedback or reflections. A key challenge with this approach is the high intensity of planning and tutor resources required. An optimum seems possible: to stagger the service-work of different teams to provide sufficient time of on-site observations of the first two sessions of each team, followed by a mid-to-end session for review and consolidation of learning lessons. 


The GEN2050 and GEN2062 Tutor Teams are presently hosted by the Undergraduate Education Unit of the Office of the Provost, NUS. We acknowledge the support and guidance of Ms ONG Mui Hong, Director of Operations & Planning (PVO), and Prof Peter Ho, Vice Provost (UG & TEL). We also acknowledge the support and guidance of A/P Esther GOH, Dr Alex LEE, and A/P LEE Geok Ling. 


Bringle, R.G., & Hatcher, J.A. (1995). A service-learning curriculum for faculty. Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning, 2(1). 

Communities and Engagement Pillar. (n.d.). Retrieved August 15, 2024, from 

Kolb, D. A. (2014). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. FT press. 

Werner, C. M., & McVaugh, N. (2000). Service-learning “rules” that encourage or discourage long-term service implications for practice and research. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 7(1). 

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