Corinne ONG*, WONG Soon Fen, Eunice NG, and LIM Cheng Puay
Ridge View Residential College (RVRC)
Ong, C. P. P., Wong, S. F., Ng, E. S. Q., & Lim, C. P. (2024). Planting the seeds for meaningful and effective community engagement experiences through university overseas study trips [Paper presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore.
Opportunities from Engaging Communities
Overseas study trips, high-impact educational practice, deep learning, community engagement, course design
Paper Presentation
This paper documents the reflective experiences of the authors in designing a new undergraduate course involving a 10-day overseas learning component in a public university in Singapore. We illustrate how community engagement can be integrated into a course which focuses on culture and sustainability in Southeast Asia. The benefits of community-based learning experiences are increasingly well-established in the higher education landscape, constituting a form of high-impact educational practice, especially when facilitated by deep learning teaching strategies (Laird, 2008). Its accruable benefits range from developing greater civic interest and engagement, increased social capital, competency development, personal growth, and improved academic achievement among students (O’Brien, 2014). Deep learning, which furthers the impact of community engagement experiences, are enabled through integrative learning experiences (e.g. perspective-taking, interdisciplinary problem-solving), higher-order learning experiences (e.g. theoretical applications, idea analyses, and synthesis), and reflective learning experiences (Warburton, 2003).
Planning a study trip that integrates community engagement opportunities is a manifold process that this paper seeks to demystify. For instance, such engagements can exist in (a) multiple forms (between educators and the partners, between organisations, between students and community partners), and are (b) managed and enacted at various temporal junctures (course design to implementation and post-trip). Designing community engagement encounters also involves the deliberate introduction of (c) student learning objectives as guided by certain principles and values (e.g. social equity), and (d) intentional learning activities/assessments (e.g. reflections, stakeholder interviews, awareness-building projects) capable of maximising benefits for all stakeholders.
By documenting, conceptualising, and evaluating community engagement in the above ways, this paper is expected to provide educators, keen to introduce community engagement opportunities in undergraduate overseas study trips, with considerations on how community engagement activities can be integrated in impactful ways in overseas study trips. The following research questions (RQs) are examined:
1. How can community engagements for overseas study trips be designed to maximise its positive benefits for all stakeholders, including students?
Through this research question, we discuss the importance of context in shaping the design of these engagements, such as choice of issues of coverage and partners in order to meet course learning objectives. For instance, Southeast Asia, with its cultural diversity, natural resource endowments, and economic potential, offers significant scope for learning about sustainability (tensions) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Partners who were actively contributing to promoting cultural and/or environmental sustainability in local communities in East Malaysia (e.g. WWF-Sarawak, Shell Sabah, Borneo Marine Institute, Sabah, Sarawak Biodiversity Centre) for instance, were identified and engaged as our partners who created learning content and insight-sharing opportunities with students.
The interdisciplinary nature of sustainability further lends itself to learning and inquiry from multiple disciplines. We share examples of how students from different disciplines were engaged in cross-disciplinary learning in the process of community engagement, and how course activities (e.g. pre-seminar activities ranging from videos, case analyses), in-trip post-engagement reflections, and post-trip activities (video documentaries), were designed with the intent of helping students make critical culture and sustainability connections, while leveraging on their engagement experiences. These aspects of course design are expected to be instructive to educators of diverse disciplines.
2. What are the benefits of learning activities facilitated around community engagement encounters for students?
This includes a discussion of how community engagement skills (e.g. cultural sensitivity, interview skills), acquired through experiences from these study trips, could be applied to contexts beyond Malaysia and to different disciplines or topics of study.
The findings of this paper are informed and derived from the triangulation of multiple data points: from the authors’ reflections of engagement efforts and encounters from course design to implementation, observations of student learning, and students’ works and course feedback.
In response to RQ1, we outline key phases of the engagement planning process and accompanying considerations in three phases, namely pre-trip, in-trip, and post-trip:
Table 1
Conceptualisation of phases, actions/activities, and considerations involved in community engagement planning (click on the table to view a full-sized version)
In response to RQ2, final course evaluations from students showed that nearly all students (at least 90%) who responded (N=12) indicated their agreement with the perceived achievement of learning outcomes (Figure 1), and satisfaction with the course’s design and structure (Figure 2).
Figure 1: Students’ self-reported evaluation of the extent to which course learning outcomes were achieved.
Figure 2: Students’ evaluation of the effectiveness of the course structure and design.
Finally, students’ qualitative course feedback (some examples of anonymous student feedback shared below) reinforced the value of learning activities, especially pertaining to planned community engagements and instructor-facilitated class debriefs:
“The most effective learning strategy was definitely interacting with the locals and the people working in the NGO’s since they do not necessarily have the same views as the organisations they are working for/the views that are prevalent in academic literature. It was really eye opening how many of the social issues faced by the people and the challenges faced by organisations were not readily available or easy to find solely through research…”
Another student shared how the community interactions and reflections proved transformative, offering them new insights on privilege and the value of context in perspective-making:
“I think what was most effective was interacting with different stakeholders, ranging from students to villagers, and experiencing the homestays, especially Kampung Menuang…It also reminded me of how small we are compared to the world. Through daily reflections from the trip, I really feel and learned a lot from our peers, professors and our partners as we all have different perspectives due to different backgrounds.”
These findings validate the effectiveness of community engagement encounters in promoting meaningful, deep, and transformational learning for students.
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