Reverse Engineering Pedagogy To Bridge Diverse Learning Background In Classrooms

Da Yang TAN* and Yoke Leng LOO 

NUS College


Tan, D. Y., & Loo, Y. L. (2024). Reverse engineering pedagogy to bridge diverse learning backgrounds in classrooms [Poster presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore.




Reverse engineering, interdisciplinary education, honours education, programming 


Poster Presentation


With the push for interdisciplinary education within the higher education settings, many of such programmes are designed to help students gain a wider perspective and develop a diverse skill set essential for addressing the complex challenges of the modern world (World Economic Forum, 2023). This means that students from wide-ranging backgrounds now learn together within the same classroom settings. While the exchange of perspectives from students’ different backgrounds add tremendous value to the classroom learning experience, the varying learning abilities and starting points of students bring new challenges to the instructors, especially in subjects that seek to impart technical knowledge, such as quantitative reasoning. The same learning experience now must seek to accommodate a spectrum of students: students with prior knowledge and who are likely to find the learning objective trivial; while students who have little background will struggle to play catchup when faced with new technical knowledge that they need to pick up within the short duration of the course.  


To mitigate the challenge of diverse learning backgrounds, reverse engineering pedagogy (REP) (Tan, Cheah, & Lee, 2021) as a teaching method has been piloted in an earlier run of the authors’ sections of GEA1000N: Quantitative Reasoning with Data (Tan & Loo, 2024). Within the course, one of the learning objectives is for students to be familiar with R programming to handle large datasets (see Figure 1 for a sample of such activity). Students with limited prior programming knowledge may struggle to reconcile the theory with the programming tasks, while those with programming experience may find the tasks underwhelming. Below, we highlight some of the considerations in designing such activities: 

Figure 1. Sample of reverse engineering learning activity implemented in the class.



The design of the activities needs to consider the resources allocated to the class, such as contact time within the classroom. For the REP activities, they were all designed to be completed within 30 minutes of the class, so that there will be sufficient time to complete other activities within the class.

Curriculum Structure

The activities need to situate itself well within the curriculum of the course, so that both instructors and students will not find the activity out of place during the learning process. This requires a careful consideration of the suitable timing to contact the learning activities. For the REP activities, they were introduced at the midpoint of the course in Week 5 and 7, since a theoretical minimum such as basic syntax, data structure, logical operators and loops would still be needed to be introduced earlier in the course to help students successfully navigate the RE activities; on the other hand, introducing the activities at midpoint will allow students to expose themselves R programming and subsequently use them in the later part of the course, especially in other in-class activities and projects. The RE activities also situates itself within the original activities that the teaching team have designed 


The role of the instructor should not be overlooked as a key user of the activities, especially in the team-teaching context of the course. Given that the designer of the learning activities and the instructors delivering the materials may not be the same person, the learning activities should be intuitive and clear for the instructors for the buy-in.  


Students are the primary stakeholders of the learning activities and their appreciation towards the learning activities would therefore be important. To reconcile the challenges of varying learning background, the RE activities are deliberately conducted in small groups during the class, so that the less experienced students could learn from experienced students, while the experienced students could gain new perspectives from the questions or gaps in understanding from the less experienced students. 


In this work, the use of reverse engineering in the teaching of R programming is introduced. Earlier preliminary results have hinted at the potential of REP learning activities as potential strategy for classes with varying learning background. By highlighting the possible design considerations in the development of materials, it is hoped the approach would be useful for generalisation of such reverse engineering approaches to other courses of similar students’ background in technical subjects. 


Tan, D. Y., & Loo, Y. L. (2024). Reverse Engineering Pedagogy To Promote Confidence and Motivation in Programming Among Honors College Students. 2024 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) (pp. 1 – 3). Kos Island, Greece: IEEE. 

Tan, D. Y., Cheah, C. W., & Lee, C. H. (2021). Reverse Engineering Pedagogy as an Educational Tool to Promote Symbiosis between Design and Physics. IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education (IEEE TALE). Wuhan, China. doi:10.1109/TALE52509.2021.9678692 

World Economic Forum. (2023). The Future of Jobs Report 2023. Geneva: World Economic Forum.

Engaging External Partners in Research: A Longitudinal Case Study Involving Academic and Non-Academic Entities


ICT Cluster, Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)
Department of Computer Science, Western Michigan University 

Fong, A. C. M. (2024). Engaging external partners in research: A longitudinal case study involving academic and non-academic entities [Poster presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore.


Opportunities from Engaging Communities 


Industry engagement, government engagement, multipartite research, cybertraining research, AI readiness, workforce development 


Poster Presentation



Members of the Western Michigan Transformative Interdisciplinary Human+AI Research group, together with external partners, have been engaged in multiyear research aimed at rapidly getting a broad spectrum of STEM learners AI ready. The on-going research has been funded by two consecutive CyberTraining grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). As principal investigator of the grants, the author wishes to share experiences and explore potentially transferable knowledge in engaging with academic and non-academic partners. These include faculty members at U.S. and international academic institutions, scientists and engineers in tech companies (e.g., Amazon, Google, and Meta), and other experts in relevant government agencies. These stakeholders collectively steer research directions, shape current debate on safe, secure, and reliable AI, and contribute towards a sustainable ecosystem for advances in AI technologies and workforce development.



The CyberTraining program emphasizes research in both workforce/curricular development and community building (NSF CyberTraining program 2024). The author’s research team was first awarded a CyberTraining grant in 2020 to conduct a pilot study titled “Modular Experiential Learning for Safe, Secure, and Reliable AI from 2020 to 2022 (NSF CyberTraining pilot grant, 2020). The team was subsequently awarded another a 4-year implementation grant titled “Promoting AI Readiness for Machine-Assisted Secure Data Analysis” in 2023 (NSF CyberTraining implementation grant, 2023). President Biden’s subsequent executive order regarding safe, secure, and trustworthy AI in 2023 further underscores the importance of this area of research (The White House, 2023). The study involves training students to development AIready knowledge and skills in both undergraduate and graduate populations. This presentation focuses on the community engagement aspect. In particular, it examines how such engagement can enrich students’ learning experiences. 



Figure 1 summarizes the key stakeholders in the on-going research. The core research team is supported by partners that come from a broad range of academic and non-academic organizations. Together, all these stakeholders aim to achieve collective impact with a shared agenda according to Kania J. and Kramer (2011). 

Figure 1. Key project stakeholders for community building


Community engagement with academic partners  

Academic partners that have supported include faculty from other U.S. 4-year universities and 2-year colleges, and universities in Singapore, Canada, and New Zealand. In addition to computer science, other quantitative disciplines represented include branches of engineering (civil, mechanical and aerospace, electrical, etc.), statistics, business analytics, etc. They are current and future users of AI. In addition to providing guidance on research directions, these multidisciplinary experts add relevance to applied AI with realistic examples of AI use cases drawn from their disciplines. Examples: mechanical engineers using AI to optimize vehicle drive cycles for fuel efficiency, civil engineers using AI for smart traffic management, statisticians using AI to visualize complex data, etc. Many have also field tested the new learning materials in their respective settings and helped collected anonymized use data. 


Community engagement with non-academic partners  

Though perpetually busy in their lines of work, industry and government experts from several organizations have provided valuable advice to the research team. Their guidance ensures that all curricular development activities and artifacts are relevant, up-to-date, and geared towards achieving optimal learning outcomes. Table 1 summarizes the main non-academic partners. 

Table 1
Main non-academic research partners


Further outreach for broader impacts  

Since summer 2022, the team has been involved in outreach activities to broaden the research impacts. The general formula entails a) customization of some developed learning materials to make them accessible and b) field testing the customized materials in local area high schools. Informal feedback from affected high schools has been positive. 



This presentation has highlighted multiparty community engagement by the author over several years of funded cybertraining research. The ongoing research has a strong emphasis on community building. This presentation aims to share experiences in community engagement across a broad spectrum of disciplines and organizations. Opportunities for cross-fertilization likely follow.



Kania J., & Kramer M. (2024). Collective Impact, Stanford Social Innovation Review. 

NSF CyberTraining research program (2024). Available at 

NSF CyberTraining pilot grant number 2017289 (2020). Available at 

NSF CyberTraining implementation grant number 2320951 (n.d.). Available at 

The White House (2023). President Biden’s Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (Oct 2023). Available at 

The Impact Of Service-learning Courses On Social Responsibility In Students: A Preliminary Study

1.2Kenneth CHONG, 1.2*Karyne Jie-lin TEO, 1.2HAN Qi, 1.3Anne Suet Lin CHONG, 1.3Nursafiqah SAAD, 1.3LOO Chuan-Jie, 1.4Pamela Qi Ming YEH, 1.4Carrie Jia Yu HO, 1ZHENG Liren

1Department of Social Work, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), NUS
2GEN2060 Team
3GEN2061 Team
4GEN2070 Team


Chong, K., Teo, K. J-L., Han, Q., Chong, A. S. L., Saad, N., Loo, C-J., Yeh, P. Q. M., Ho, C. J. Y., & Zheng, L. (2024). The impact of service-learning courses on social responsibility in students: A preliminary study [Poster presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore. 


Opportunities from Engaging Communities 


Service-learning, general education, communities, volunteering, social services 


Paper Presentation



The National University of Singapore (NUS) installed “Communities and Engagement” (C&E) as its sixth Common Curriculum Pillar in 2021, integrating service and learning to cultivate student engagement with broader societal issues through volunteer action, supported by structured training and guided reflexive learning. In this paper, we discuss the impact of three year-long C&E service-learning courses in developing social responsibility in undergraduate students.


The course GEN2060 “Reconnect SeniorsSG” is a partnership between NUS and the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC). Students serve as community befrienders for seniors facing social isolation. GEN2061 “Support Healthy AgeingSG” is also conducted in collaboration with AIC. Students are trained as Silver Generation Ambassadors to conduct Preventive Health Visits (PHVs) to check in on the well-being of seniors, as well as disseminate information on national support schemes and good practices to promote ageing-in-place. GEN2070 “Community Link (Comlink) Befrienders” is a collaboration between NUS and the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF). Students serve as befrienders to journey with disadvantaged families with young children through home visits and community interactions towards stability, self-reliance, and social mobility. As part of course requirements, each student undertakes 60-80 hours of coordinated service-learning work with the community partners. 


The Pilot Phase for these service-learning courses was conducted over two semesters in AY2022, with 181 students for GEN2060, 166 students for GEN2061, and 168 students for GEN2070 successfully completing their respective courses. Feedback from community stakeholders and students were found to be strongly positive. The courses have now been fully launched with a capacity of 600 students per semester for GEN2060, 750 students for GEN2061, and 300 students for GEN2070, with Course Tutor teams seeking to study the impact of students’ service-learning experiences in shaping their perceptions of community and self, as well as in cultivating social responsibility. 


Anonymised course evaluation surveys, students’ reflection papers as well as data from community partners were analysed. It was found that students expressed affective and cognitive growth from their service-learning experiences. For instance, students developed an emotional attachment to their service-recipients through the course, and grew in their empathy, recognition of their own privileges and a heightened awareness of social inequality. Students also demonstrated growth in their perspectives on the complexity of social issues, systemic barriers, and needs and resources in the community. These perspectives often lead to profound personal transformation and a sense of social responsibility. Finally, an encouraging proportion of students indicated a commitment to continue as a volunteer or be involved in other social initiatives after the course has ended. This commitment is often driven by a sense of personal agency and a belief in their ability to create change in society. 


These results suggest that the key learning objectives of the Communities and Engagement Pillar can be met through the service-learning courses. In addition, they provide insights for the teams to further encourage students to develop their sense of social responsibility. In the longer term, consideration can be given for the programme to be further expanded to the wider NUS population and other institutes of higher learning.



The GEN2050 and GEN2062 Tutor Teams are presently hosted by the Undergraduate Education Unit of the Office of the Provost, NUS. We acknowledge the support and guidance of Ms ONG Mui Hong, Director of Operations & Planning (PVO), and Prof Peter Ho, Vice Provost (Undergraduate Studies & Technology-enhanced Learning). We also acknowledge the support and guidance of A/P Esther GOH, Dr Alex LEE, and A/P LEE Geok Ling.



Deeley, S.J. (2015). Critical Perspectives on Service-Learning in Higher Education. Palgrave MacMillan. 

Evans, Karen (2009). Learning, Work and Social Responsibility: Challenges for lifelong learning in a global age. Springer.  

NUS (2024). Communities and Engagement Pillar. 

Wray-Lake, L., & Syvertsen, A. K. (2011). The developmental roots of social responsibility in childhood and adolescence. In C. A. Flanagan & B. D. Christens (Eds.), Youth civic development: Work at the cutting edge (pp. 11–25). Jossey-Bass. 

Soken-Huberty, E. (2022, October 23). What is Social Responsibility? Human Rights Careers. 

Smart Calendar: Integrating AI for Student Mental Health and Wellbeing

1, *Akshay Narayan, 1LI Jiayao, 1Bimlesh Wadhwa, 2Alex MITCHELL, 3Eric KERR, and 2Weiyu ZHANG

1Department of Computer Science, School of Computing (SOC)
2Department of Communications and New Media, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)
3Tembusu College and Asia Research Institute (ARI)


Narayan, A., Li, J., Wadhwa, B., Mitchell, A., Kerr, E., & Zhang, W. (2024). Smart Calendar: Integrating AI for student mental health and wellbeing [Poster presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore


Opportunities from Wellbeing 


Smart calendar, AI, Time management, Rest and recovery, Wellbeing 


Paper Presentation



University students face high cognitive loads and often feel they lack time for academic activities (Kyndt et al., 2014), increasing their stress levels (Kausar, 2010). Time management is a suggested coping strategy (Macan et al., 1990) that enhances academic performance and reduces anxiety (Razali et al., 2018). However, many students struggle with time management due to juggling academic, extracurricular, and personal commitments (Xu et al., 2014). 


Good time management helps students analyze tasks, plan effectively, and understand task priorities (Nonis et al., 2006; Sauvé et al., 2018). It leads to academic success and enhances life quality beyond university (Wang et al., 2011). However, students need support to develop these skills (Van der Meer et al., 2010). 



Despite its importance, studies haven’t focused on effective intervention mechanisms for time management or directly considered students’ mental wellbeing. Research often mentions stress reduction as a side effect but doesn’t address it directly. With AI advancements, we can now provide targeted interventions. AI can offer personalised scheduling and proactive reminders, including breaks and relaxation periods, to support both time management and mental wellness. 



Our proposal results from discussions within a Technology for Social Good learning community. Recognising student mental wellness concerns at NUS, we explored technological solutions. We suggest a two-pronged approach using AI with a “smart calendar.” First, automate task planning and scheduling to reduce cognitive load and include intervention mechanisms. Second, incorporate mental wellness by automatically scheduling “recovery time” in the task schedule. 


Addressing mental health and wellbeing 

It is assumed that better time management improves mental health by reducing stress from unfinished tasks. However, most studies overlook the need for recovery and relaxation after demanding tasks. Research shows regular micro-breaks and sufficient sleep enhance productivity (Kim et al., 2018; Kühnel et al., 2017). 


We propose incorporating sleep schedules and explicit micro-breaks, proportional to the duration and the demand of the cognitive task, automatically in task scheduling. For example, a two-hour core-course lecture should be followed by a thirty-minute recovery break in the schedule. 


Automating time management 

We believe AI can enhance task scheduling by automating it using the following inputs: 

  • System input: Fixed academic schedules from university sources like timetables and LMS. 
  • User inputs: Personal schedules defining non-academic and extracurricular activities. 


We solve the task scheduling problem algorithmically, treating it as a constraint satisfaction and resource optimization issue. Given the fixed, limited available time, we aim to optimise its utilisation. Tasks and micro-breaks are modeled as constraints for the schedule. Additionally, the system can learn user behavior and preferences to refine the schedule. 


The smart calendar also nudges students (Caraban et al., 2019) to record task completion and follow scheduled micro-breaks, providing targeted interventions for mental wellbeing.



Currently, we have formulated a Master’s thesis project for developing an AI-driven smart calendar that addresses the intertwined challenges of time management and mental wellness for university students. Under this project, we are prototyping a calendar application based on the discussions arising out of the learning community focused on Technology for Social Good. The calendar aims to provide personalised, proactive support, helping students manage their busy schedules with ease and confidence. Going forward, we intend to perform a user study to measure the effectiveness of such a calendar application among university students. We believe as educational institutions prioritise mental wellness, adopting AI calendaring solutions could significantly foster a healthier, more productive student community.  



Caraban, A., Karapanos, E., Gonçalves, D., & Campos, P. (2019). 23 ways to nudge: A review of technology-mediated nudging in human-computer interaction. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems,  

Kausar, R. (2010). Perceived stress, academic workloads and use of coping strategies by university students. Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 20(1). 

Kim, S., Park, Y., & Headrick, L. (2018). Daily micro-breaks and job performance: General work engagement as a cross-level moderator. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(7), 772.

Kühnel, J., Zacher, H., De Bloom, J., & Bledow, R. (2017). Take a break! Benefits of sleep and short breaks for daily work engagement. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26(4), 481-491.

Kyndt, E., Berghmans, I., Dochy, F., & Bulckens, L. (2014). ‘Time is not enough.’ Workload in higher education: a student perspective. Higher Education Research & Development, 33(4), 684-698.  

Macan, T. H., Shahani, C., Dipboye, R. L., & Phillips, A. P. (1990). College students’ time management: Correlations with academic performance and stress. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82(4), 760.  

Nonis, S. A., Philhours, M. J., & Hudson, G. I. (2006). Where Does the Time Go? A Diary Approach to Business and Marketing Students’ Time Use. Journal of Marketing Education, 28(2), 121-134.  

Razali, S., Rusiman, M., Gan, W., & Arbin, N. (2018). The impact of time management on students’ academic achievement. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.  

Sauvé, L., Fortin, A., Viger, C., & Landry, F. (2018). Ineffective learning strategies: a significant barrier to post-secondary perseverance. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 42(2), 205-222.  

Van der Meer, J., Jansen, E., & Torenbeek, M. (2010). ‘It’s almost a mindset that teachers need to change’: first‐year students’ need to be inducted into time management. Studies in Higher Education, 35(7), 777-791.  

Wang, W.-C., Kao, C.-H., Huan, T.-C., & Wu, C.-C. (2011). Free time management contributes to better quality of life: A study of undergraduate students in Taiwan. Journal of Happiness Studies, 12, 561-573.

Xu, J., Yuan, R., Xu, B., & Xu, M. (2014). Modeling students’ time management in math homework. Learning and Individual Differences, 34, 33-42. 

Poster Design And Presentation Assignment Can Engage The Students And Community To Help Overcome Plant Blindness

Amy Mei Fun CHOONG

Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, NUS 

Choong, A. M. F. (2024). Poster design and presentation assignment can engage the students and community to help overcome plant blindness [Poster presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore.


Opportunities from Engaging Communities 


Poster design, presentation, plant blindness


Poster Presentation


Plant blindness (Wandersee & Shussler, 1999) refers to the common inability among students and non-botanists to recognise or appreciate plants. This happens because people take plants for granted, assuming that the life-giving oxygen produced from photosynthesis will always take place, and plants will always be around to provide what we need or don’t even realise that we need plants to survive and thrive. This problem is exacerbated by the shrinking number of universities that train students to identify plants (Stroud et al., 2022) and this has led to a shortage of educators and skilled workers in plant-related industries (Choong, 2022). To stem the further decline in botanical expertise, a Minor in Botany has been launched in 2023 to provide structured botanical education. This is a collaboration between the Department of Biological Sciences and the Singapore Botanic Gardens. One of the compulsory courses, LSM3258 “Comparative Botany” offered in Semester One, covers plant form and function. To reverse plant blindness, a class assignment required students to study campus plants and to design posters to showcase them to classmates and to a general audience to engage the community. The assignment required students to pick a plant from a given list, to research their uses and to study their internal structures through freehand sectioning. These activities reinforced lecture topics on different plant organs such as leaves, roots, stems and flowers. Students initially struggled to recognise the plants and their internal structures. I helped them to find their plants, taught and corrected their techniques on free-hand sectioning. By the end of the semester, they knew their individual species intimately and had developed a new-found appreciation for plants. Most students were also enthusiastic in presenting their posters to the public to help them reverse plant blindness. This poster design and presentation is a flipped classroom pedagogy (Square & Van De Hyde, 2020). On the day of the presentation, an invitation was disseminated campus-wide, colleagues and members of the public turned up to listen to the presentation and to interact with them. With support from NUS Libraries, the posters were displayed again from January to late February 2024, and I was given an opportunity to deliver a talk based on the students’ posters to colleagues and to an online audience. The talk was entitled “Are Plants Our Saviour? Post-talk Mentimeter surveys revealed that people understood better the importance of plants, and realised that there were many plants on campus and they have medicinal values and other valuable traits. Six months later, the students were polled to see how much knowledge they manage to retain about their plants. All said they can remember and even list some of the plants’ characteristics. In conclusion, these community engagement activities helped reverse plant blindness.


Choong, M. F. A. (2022). Education on plants and fungi: an urgent call. Nature in Singapore,  Supplement No. 1: e2022128.  Retrieved from 

 Square, L., & Van De Heyde, V. (2020). Poster presentations as an approach to implementing a ‘flipped learning’ pedagogy in introductory physics. Journal of Physics, 1512, 012005.

Stroud, S., Fennell, M., Mitchley, J., Lydon, S., Peacock, J., & Bacon, K. L. (2022). The botanical education extinction and the fall of plant awareness. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e9019.

Wandersee, J.H. & E.E. Schussler (1999). Preventing plant blindness. The American Biology Teacher 61 (2), 82–86.

Personal Growth Narratives: Voices From Community-Based Experiential Study Trips

S. K. Tambyah*, K. Mukhopadhyay*, L. LIM, & Y. T. J. ONG 

College of Alice & Peter Tan


Mukhopadhyay, K., Tambyah, S. K., Lim, L., & Ong, Y. T. J. (2024). Personal growth narratives: Voices from community-based experiential study trips [Poster presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore.


Opportunities from Engaging Communities


Experiential learning, personal growth, professional development, mixed methodology 


Poster Presentation



This poster presents the personal growth narratives of student participants in short-term overseas experiential learning (Kolb 1984; Moon, 2004; Roberts, 2012; Backman et al., 2019; Lovett, 2020) programmes. Their voices are captured through focus group discussions (FGDs) and open-ended survey questions, which are part of a larger research study funded by the Ministry of Education. Using a mixed-method case study design, the study aims to understand students’ learning processes and outcomes of the community-based experiential study trips conducted as part of a residential college’s curriculum for over a decade.



Student participants were from different (STEER) (India, Balkans, Myanmar, Botswana, Nepal) from 2012 to 2020. They participated in six FGDs and completed an online vignette survey to share their perceptions on the different community-based learning aspects of the programme. The research team engaged in close readings and coding of the FDG transcripts and the responses to the vignette survey, particularly the key questions on personal growth (Figure 1) from the two data sets. Preliminary analyses indicated two emergent themes that define the construct of personal growth, which also demonstrated that students have experienced substantial personal growth with enduring effects beyond the duration of the programmes.

Figure 1: Questions on personal growth from FGD and Vignette Survey (open-ended question)



Students shared how the community-based experiential learning expanded their perspectives and facilitated the application of knowledge in their professional and personal endeavours after they have graduated. Some examples include “(integrating) methodologies like design thinking and asset-based community development in my daily life” (Nepal, 2018), “(thinking) deeply about how we can tap on community resources and to empower people within their own communities” (Mynamar 2018) and “looking” at societal issues and institutions with greater curiosity” (India 2018).


Several participants detailed the practical application of knowledge acquired during the study trips to their academic and career-related projects. For example, a participant from STEER Botswana who is now an educator shared the following:



There was an overwhelming sharing of how meaningful interactions with partner communities have broadened their worldviews and changed their mindsets. These experiences allowed them to “practise (their) curiosity” (FGD 3) during the trips and deepen their cultural awareness, empathy and social responsibility. One participant compared being “open and deliberate in understanding different perspectives” (FGD 3) when in the study trip from the filtered reality that s/he experiences in social media. This in turn encouraged them to take multifaceted approaches towards decision-making and become better at critical thinking after the trips. Students were also able to “understand the human psyche better” (Myanmar, 2019), and to “empathise with all sides of a conflict and focus on the similarities of the struggles faced by all sides.” (Balkans, 2019). Embracing new cultural perspectives was invaluable in developing global relationships, as an understanding of culturally different communities can help to “guide decisions and planning for bilateral discussions”. (Botswana, 2018)



Educational experiences rooted in community-based learning offer a powerful and effective method by which to prepare students as life-long learners. Our findings illustrated how the community-based nature of the overseas experiential learning enabled the acquisition of knowledge and translatable skills, which could be applied in personal and professional contexts. The findings confirm how students understand the value of such engagements and their role in helping them contribute productively to society.



Backman, M., Pitt, H., Marsden, T., Mehmood, A., & Mathijs, E. (2019). “Experiential Approaches to Sustainability Education: Towards Learning Landscapes.” International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 20(1), 139-156.

Flood, L. D. (2019). A new way forward for social justice researchers: Development and validation of the social justice behavior scale. Research in Educational Administration & Leadership, 4(2), 303.

Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential Learning. Prentice Hall Books.

Lovett, K. (2020). Introduction: Listening and Learning from Experiential Learning Educators. In Lovett, K. (eds), Diverse Pedagogical Approaches to Experiential Learning: Multidisciplinary Case Studies, Reflections, and Strategies (pp. 1-11). Palgrave Macmillan.

Moon, J. A. (2004). A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning: Theory and Practice. Routledge.

Roberts, J. W. (2012). Beyond learning by doing: Theoretical currents in experiential education.  Routledge.

Opportunities From Engaging Students In Hands-on Learning  


Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, NUS  

Yakovlev, N. (2024). Opportunities from engaging students in hands-on learning [Poster presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore.


Opportunities from Engaging Communities 


Experiments, hand-on learning, creativity 


Poster Presentation


When a student comes to a professor to do a project (which can be within an FYP, or UROPS, or SRP, or SMP, or similar)1, the professor asks: “Why did you choose my project?”  The students would say: “I am fascinated with your science and would like to learn more.”  Some professors would then give papers to the student saying: “Read this, so that you understand what you will do.”  Other professors would suggest: “Try to do these experiments, so that you use your data to understand what you will read.”  Which approach is more productive and—speaking about students—more instructive?   


As an example, let us consider student “T”, who came to me in 2022 to do his final year project (FYP) entitled “Fundamentals of precision ellipsometry”.  Ellipsometry is an analytical technique that uses polarised light to measure properties of ultra-thin films on reflective substrate.  Precision ellipsometry (PREL) uses polarisation modulator, which makes it even more sensitive down to sub-nanometre range (Yakovlev, 2019).  His aim was to quantify parameters, which are responsible for this high sensitivity.  


At first, he did experiments on PREL made by me, then made his own modulator as a copy of mine.  And when he experimented with his own modulator, he was excited to see its high sensitivity and asked me, why is it such.  This is when I gave him a book with all the necessary formulae, and he readily did the relevant calculations. Imagine, if he had seen that math at the start of his project, he would consider it boring from the beginning.   


Another example from the project of student “T” is measurement of the effect of refractive index of liquids used.  Though it was possible to measure it in a standard device, I suggested that he use the  available fluidic system similar to that described in Lau (2017).  This engaged his creativity, and after several attempts, he came up with the design as in Figure 1.  And again, he readily did relevant calculations using concepts from the physics curriculum.  


Figure 1: Schematic of refractive index measurement (left) and the scale made by the student, placed on laboratory wall and showing the position of refracted laser beam.


Over last two decades, I supervised more than a hundred students doing experimental science.  Within a broad area, where each student expressed interest, I let him/her start from trying various experiments.  Then it becomes evident what is the student good at and what ignites his/her passion, so that this would be developed into a specific project. Feedback from the students and numerous awards that they obtain at student competitions show the advantages of this approach.  


In guiding student projects, it is also a beneficial approach to supervise a team of students.  For the professor, it certainly saves time, because introduction to the topic takes the same time as to one student, but two students can obtain twice more results. As for the students, they can practically help each other and those who understand first can explain to those who did not get the point.  This process of explaining to others makes the knowledge more logical and it leaves a stronger impression in their memory.  Every year, I take several teams of students from various colleges and observe how they exchange practical skills and conceptual ideas.  They also learn to share equipment, working space and the supervisor’s time.  By the end of the year, that all creates a team and eventually a community of future scientists.  


In conclusion, the approach to “let the students do something, so that they understand what they read” appears to be engaging from the beginning of their laboratory practice and motivating them to learn through the course of their project.  


  1. The abbreviations stand for the following: Final-year project (FYP); Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme in Science (UROPS); Science Research Programme (SRP)


Lau H.H., Murney R. et al. (2017). Protein-tannic acid multilayer films: A multifunctional material for microencapsulation of food-derived bioactives.  Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 505, 332-  

Yakovlev N. L., Kwek H. C., Dabrowski K. M. (2019). Kinetics of small molecule adsorption studied using precision ellipsometry. Surface and Interface Analysis, 51(7), 697-702.

Opportunities for Students’ Wellbeing: Enhancing Perceptions of Data Science through Data Storytelling in a Diverse Classroom Context

Yiyun FAN1,*, Amanda Wan Mei SOON2, and Kah Loon NG1,*

1Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore (NUS)
2Office of Provost, NUS

*; *

Fan, Y., Soon, A. W. M., & Ng, K. L. (2024). Opportunities for students’ wellbeing: Enhancing perceptions of data science through data storytelling in a diverse classroom context [Poster presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore.


Opportunities from Wellbeing


Student wellbeing, data storytelling (DS), learning perceptions, data science, diverse classroom


Paper Presentation


Data science has emerged as a prominent discussion topic in education. Increasingly, students from underrepresented majors in non-STEM fields are showing interest in the data science industry, recognising its potential to enhance their research or employment opportunities. This trend is underscored by workplace phenomena, for instance, where recruiters in the UK may be more inclined to favour STEM students over non-STEM ones due to the latter often lacking STEM skills such as mathematics application and programming and being more difficult/expensive for employers to train (Grinis, 2017). This has highlighted the growing importance of such skills and the advantages they confer in the job market. However, as more entry-level courses in data science are introduced at university levels to address this trend, students, particularly non-STEM ones, have reported experiencing difficulty in learning courses that seem unrelated to their professional fields. This increased workload exacerbates their academic challenges and adds to their overall stress levels. For instance, feedback from a general introductory data science course revealed that 5.8% of comments were negative. Students expressed their stress from learning data analysis software. This rate increased to 10.4% the following semester and 12.1% the semester after (personal communication, June 20, 2024).


Data Storytelling (DS) utilises storytelling elements to compress information and convey key elements through narratives and data visualisations (Ryan, 2016), and holds the potential for enhancing learning experiences. It has been reported by recent scholars that DS elements, albeit with limited pedagogical constructs, have a promising future in educational settings (e.g., Chen et al., 2019; Echeverria et al., 2018; Martinez-Maldonado et al., 2020).


Many previous scholarly works have tackled the challenge of developing course curriculum that not only attract students from diverse backgrounds (e.g. gender and ethnicity group disparities) but also foster “communication, reasoning and collaboration that cross disciplinary boundaries” (Dierker et al., 2017, p. 55). However, few studies have investigated the impact of students’ academic major backgrounds and their related concerns, which are becoming increasingly relevant in today’s job market. Building upon this gap, this study examines the role of DS as supplementary material in the curriculum to introduce elementary data science skills to students through engaging narratives and data visualisations. By integrating DS into the course, this study aims to help students, particularly those with non-STEM backgrounds, better adapt to the current educational trend, thereby reducing their stress and improving their perceptions of learning data science.


The primary analysis method in this study involves qualitative analysis of students’ written and interview feedback after engaging with data stories based on the content of a general data science course at a prestigious university in Singapore. This study explores students’ perceptions of DS and their expectations of its role in future application in educational settings. Notably, feedback from non-STEM students, collected after their review of DS based on a random dataset, reveals their overall positive perspectives on the use of DS to support and improve the curriculum. Recurrent feedback items include students’ desire for more concise data stories integrated into data science skill introduction and their interest in engaging with more stories like these. This feedback highlights the potential of DS to assist students from various academic backgrounds, particularly non-STEM ones, in understanding and appreciating data science, thus reducing their stress in learning.


Chen, Q., Li, Z., Pong, T.-C., & Qu, H. (2019). Designing Narrative Slideshows for Learning Analytics. In Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, PacificVis’19 (pp. 237–246).

Dierker, L., Ward, N., Alexander, J., & Donate, E. (2017). Engaging underrepresented high school students in data driven storytelling: An examination of learning experiences and outcomes for a cohort of rising seniors enrolled in the gaining early awareness and readiness for undergraduate program (GEAR UP). Journal of Education and Training Studies, 5(4), 54–63.

Echeverria, V., Martinez-Maldonado, R., Shum, S. B., Chiluiza, K., Granda, R., & Conati, C. (2018). Exploratory versus explanatory visual learning analytics: Driving teachers’ attention through educational data storytelling. Journal of Learning Analytics, 5(3), 72– 97. doi:

Grinis, I. (2017). The STEM Requirements of “Non-STEM” Jobs: Evidence from UK Online Vacancy Postings and Implications for Skills & Knowledge Shortages. Systemic Risk Centre.

Martinez-Maldonado, R., Echeverria, V., Nieto, G. F., Shum, S. B. (2020). From data to insights: A layered storytelling approach for multimodal learning analytics [Paper presentation]. In CHI ’20 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 25–30, 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA.

Ryan, L. (2016). The Visual Imperative: Creating a Visual Culture of Data Discovery. Elsevier Science.

Using Hashtag Introductions To Promote Psychological Safety

Jingwen CHAI

Department of English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), NUS

Chai. J. W. (2024). Using hashtag introductions to promote psychological safety [Poster presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore.


Opportunities from Wellbeing 


Inclusivity, diversity, psychological safety, engagement


Poster Presentation



Diversity and inclusivity are key elements in creating classroom environments that are psychologically safe. According to Christiansen et al. (2024), psychological safety and inclusion supports diversity, which strengthens learning outcomes and wellbeing among students. Yet, diversity and inclusivity tend to be at odds, such as the belief that a diverse team is less effective because members from different backgrounds do not work well together (Edmondson & Roloff, 2009). For educators, prioritising psychological safety is demanding as students do not work inclusively on their own – we need to guide them. 


Diversity can take on different forms and in higher education contexts, variety diversity is common and this is defined as diversity in skillsets and expertise (Edmondson & Roloff, 2009). Overcoming variety density necessitates helping students feel safe to be their true selves, be open to sharing their skills, and making inclusion explicit from the start (Thriving Talent, 2022) 


Here, I share a self-introduction activity using hashtags. It is easy to implement, and it helps students and instructors break the ice and recognise one another’s strengths. Engaging in this activity early the semester helps instructors set the tone of inclusivity. It is particularly suitable for smaller class sizes such as tutorials. 


When semester begins, I create a spreadsheet containing the names of the students in the tutorial class. Next, I identify a few hashtags. The hashtags represent skills that may be helpful to students for their group work. Using the course I have taught, GEI1002/GET1030 “Computers and the Humanities”, where students are taught the basics of programming, I chose the following hashtags: #programmer, #writer, #designer. Recognising that some students may not identify with the hashtags, I include #learner to encourage inclusivity. 


Prior to the first tutorial, I have students fill up the excel spreadsheet with the instruction, “choose, copy and paste, or add your own hashtags”. I include myself in the spreadsheet as example, making sure to include #learner to encourage my students to do the same. During the tutorial, I ask students to give a brief introduction of themselves using their hashtags. After the tutorial, they form up into groups of their choice1 


Figure 1 below are two samples of completed spreadsheets, one for each semester that I taught the course. 

Figure 1. Samples of anonymised hashtag self-introductions (Click on the image to view a full-sized version).


From these samples, it can be observed that a handful of students identify themselves as #programmer, #writer or #designer. A larger proportion of students chose #learner. Diversity is observed as students added hashtags of their own, e.g. #photography, #maps, #naturelover, #performer, #history etc. At the same time, I found students to be excited when they identify others in the class sharing hashtags. Moreover, students with #programmer, #writer or #designer tags tended to distribute themselves evenly across groups even though there was no explicit instruction to do so. 


Although I did not survey students on their perception on their readiness to work with their group members as a measure of accomplishment of inclusivity2, I observed that students were more ready in engaging one another in conversations, presumably because they perceived psychological safety. Additionally, in comparison to another course that I teach using a more traditional self-introduction activity, I observed that it was for this course that students gave positive feedback for my sensitivity to their wellbeing and interests.  


In conclusion, creating psychologically safe spaces are important for diversity and inclusivity to flourish. While it might be a challenging ideal to achieve, I adopt the view that psychological safety can be promoted through simple steps. The hashtag self-introduction activity was conceived to help students overcome variety diversity by promoting safe and friendly disclosure, through recognising individual strengths and identifying common goals. It is easy to implement and has the potential to help educators take the first step in embracing an inclusive class culture. 



  1. The implementation of group formation can be flexible based on the learning outcomes that the instructor intends for. For some courses such as the example quoted in this abstract, I would instruct students to form groups of their choice with the suggestion to find friends with different strengths. In other courses, I would use the hashtags to assign students to groups. Students will be informed of the group that they are assigned to, their group mates and their hashtags. This helps students to understand the instructor’s intention to form groups with diversity in mind.
  2. We did not perform a quantifying assessment of inclusive class culture on overall student wellbeing because the activity is intended as an easy-to-implement activity with the role to warm up students, for them to be ready to embrace bigger learning outcomes of the course. We therefore assume that inclusivity promotes better learning outcomes. Future pedagogical assessments may seek to clarify the assumption.



Christiansen, K., McKenzie-Cox, M., Korczak, P., & Lane, K. (2024, January 29). Psychological Safety: The foundation for wellbeing and inclusion. EdCan Network. 

Edmondson, A., & Roloff, K. (2009). Leveraging diversity through psychological safety. Rotman Magazine, 1(2009), 47–51.

Thriving Talent. (2022). Why Psychological Safety Matters In Diversity and Inclusion. 

Leveraging Generative AI Tools to Produce Supplemental Videos: Course Instructors’ Reflections

R. M. SINGH, U.T.F. LAM, and F. M. YEONG* 

Department of Biochemistry, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore

Singh, R. M., Lam, U. T. F., & Yeong, F. M. (2024). Leveraging generative AI tools to produce supplemental videos: Course instructors’ reflections [Poster presentation]. In Higher Education Conference in Singapore (HECS) 2024, 3 December, National University of Singapore.


Opportunities from Generative AI 


Supplemental Videos, Generative AI, Replacement, Instructor Reflection


Poster Presentation


In LSM 2233 Cell Biology, we sought to provide supplemental materials to bridge students’ background gaps. With affordances provided by generative artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance teaching, learning, assessments and administration in higher education (Chiu, 2023), we explored the use of AI tools to produce supplemental videos. We targeted the replacement level in the replacement, augmentation and transformation (RAT) model (Hughes, 2000) on the use of educational technology. Here, we reflect on our initial attempts at leveraging AI tools to support teaching without unduly increasing the workload of instructors 



We prompted ChatGPT-4o to generate basic slides, which we re-organized and inserted diagrams to fit the course (Fig.1). Revised slide decks were used to prompt ChatGPT-4o for narration scripts. We used Descript’s AI voice-generator to create a speaker voice modelled after the YFM’s voice. Descript was used to produce videos using the slide decks, narration scripts and speaker voice.

Figure 1. Flowchart for use of Generative AI in this project

Reflections and Coding

We reflected individually upon our experience using the AI tools, guided by a series of questions (Table 1). The reflections were coded and summarised by R.M.S. and U.T.F.L. (Cohen et al., 2011) into positive or negative comments, and further by categoried based on frequencies of occurrence (Table 2).


Products from Use of AI Tools

With our prompts (Fig 2, left), we obtained slides (Fig 3, left) from ChatGPT-4o. We included different aspects in the prompts as shown (Nazari et al., 2024) to obtain useful slides.  

Figure 2. Example of a prompt to generate a presentation slide deck (left) and narration script (right)

We improved the slides organization and inserted additional information and relevant diagrams (Figure 3, right). We added slides (Fig 4, left) to connect supplemental topics to the main lectures and inserted a slide to declare to students our approach (Figure 4, right).  

Figure 3. Example of a slide before (left) and after (right) revision by instructors


Figure 4. Example of an additional slide inserted by instructors to highlight relevance of information to course (left) and a disclaimer slide for use of AI (right)


Using the revised slides, we prompted (Fig 2, right) ChatGPT-4o for slide narrations, which we improved by inserting additional points or linking words to make them more natural-sounding (Fig 5). The improved script and slides were uploaded to Descript to generate supplemental videos (Link 1). On comparison, the AI-generated voice (Link 2) sounded close to YFM’s voice (Link 3).    

Figure 5. Example of a part of a transcript before (left) and after (right) revision by instructors

Reflections on Our Approach Using Generative AI Tools

In terms of functionality, we reflected positively (40.9%) on aspects like the speed of ChatGPT responses, and negatively (21.4%) for areas such as writing good prompts. We had concerns on accessibility (21.4% of responses), mainly on the high costs of the AI tools. 


We further compared the time-taken for us to create supplemental videos using the AI tools with estimated times needed to manually create them. We estimated it was 6-fold faster when using AI tools (Table 3). 


An analysis of mid-semester viewership data for the first four supplementary videos revealed that an average of 30.65% of the cohort accessed the videos uploaded to the Canvas Learning Management System. Of those who accessed the content, students completed at least 70% of the video material (Table 4).  


From our experience, we efficiently (Table 3) produced usable supplemental videos (Link 1) using AI tools. Our positive reflections (61.1%, Table 2) were consistent with our high level of perceived usefulness, positive attitude towards using and intention to use the AI technologies (Davis et al., 1989). Our negative reflections (38.9%, Table 2) centered around prompt quality in ChatGPT, unfamiliarity with the platforms and subscription costs. These can be overcome by improving prompts, consulting manuals and using trial versions for the platforms. We suggest that leveraging technology for replacing (Hughes, 2000) fully-instructor-created supplemental videos can possibly be achieved by using AI tools. The preliminary viewership analytics indicated that a third of the cohort viewed the videos, suggesting that the videos could have served students’ needs. (Table 4). Future studies will involve surveying students for acceptance of the AI-generated videos. 


Chiu, T. K. (2023). The impact of Generative AI (genai) on practices, policies and research direction in education: A case of chatgpt and Midjourney. Interactive Learning Environments, 1–17. 

Hughes, J. E. (2000). Teaching English with technology: Exploring teacher learning and practice (dissertation). Teaching English with technology: exploring teacher learning and practice 

Hughes, J., Thomas, R., & Scharber, C. (2006). Assessing technology integration: The RAT–replacement, amplification, and transformation-framework. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1616-1620). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) 

Mackie, K. and Aspenlieder, E. (n.d.) “Evaluating AI Tools”. The Curious Educator’s Guide to AI. Open Library 

Nazari, M. and Saadi, G. (2024). Developing effective prompts to improve communication with ChatGPT: a formula for higher education stakeholders. Discover Education, 3(45). 



(Link 1) Demo video:


(Link 2) AI voice demo:


(Link 3) Authentic voice demo: 

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