Hi readers out there!

I’m currently a year 4 student pursuing a Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) degree at the National University of Singapore. After taking several environmental-related modules in the fields of Environmental Chemistry, Green Chemistry and renewable energy resources, I’ve discovered a strong passion in how Chemistry can be married together with geographical concepts in making this world a better place to live in for our future generation.

With a goal in mind of taking a Masters’ degree in environmental-related studies upon graduation, this module on environmental pollution would definitely serve as a good start to my journey in making a change to the world.

Specifically, I’ve chosen ‘Water Pollution’ as a theme here as that inspiration came about after a casual conversation with my Mum on the state of Singapore’s coastal waters.

In short, I hope this blog would shed light on the issue of water pollution as I covered the causes and impact in weekly blog posts here. Enjoy! 🙂
