Nuggets of Wisdom

Author Prince Charles

Fluoride Contamination in Groundwater

Hello Folks! A week ago, I had my routine dental check-up and because of my braces which probably contribute to a less optimal oral hygiene, I was found to have a decaying tooth. Thankfully, my dentist said, “You can smear… Continue Reading →

Can Waterbodies Clean Themselves?

With the slowdown of economic activity due to Covid-19, we witnessed an increase in clarity of waterbodies that were previously polluted. For instance, Venice’s usually dark and murky waterways have turned noticeably cleaner as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1:… Continue Reading →

Your Carbon Footprint has a Large Impact on Marine Species

Hello Folks! Earlier, we’ve seen how thermal pollution can drastically affect water quality and the marine creatures living in the affected water. We also see how climate change has increased the phenomenon of flash floods and hence, water pollution in… Continue Reading →

Is Flash Flood a Concern in Singapore?

Have you noticed Singapore’s erratic weather in recent years? Do you realise that flash floods are becoming of a norm in Singapore? Yes, you are right! Figure 1: Singapore’s Latest Flashflood Incident on 24 Jun 2020 (Soon Ho, 2020) Numbers… Continue Reading →

You Love Hot Showers, But Fishes Don’t!

Hello Folks! Remember those days in June and early July when the weather got really wet and cold? In fact, 2020 Jun was one of the coolest Jun in 20 years (Co, 2020). Many of us would appreciate a hot… Continue Reading →

Understanding Aquatic Pollution – The Big Picture

At this point in time, I realised that I have not really explain the key concepts of Aquatic Pollution, focusing on specific examples instead. For the benefit of everyone, this post will help you in understanding the Big Picture of… Continue Reading →

How Much Plastics Am I Drinking?

Hello Folks! As promised in 2 posts earlier, you will uncover the truth behind your actual plastic consumption on a daily basis in this post – but wait? Plastics?? PLASTICS?! YES! I’m talking about Plastics – the very same material… Continue Reading →

Covid 19 – From Fishing Nets to Virus Protection Gear

Previously, we saw how Covid 19 has worsened the issue of plastic pollution in Thailand. Yet, interestingly, a recent innovative project in Thailand (Tanakasempipat and Kittisilpa, 2020) was developed to tackle both problems at the same time. It is not… Continue Reading →

Covid-19 – A Catalyst to the Worsening of Plastic Waste Pollution in Ocean?

Case Study: Thailand As the world continues its battle with Covid-19, it seems that we have forgotten the issue of pollution amidst this battle. Remember how uncomfortable and troublesome it was to have your food take-away during the ‘Circuit Breaker’… Continue Reading →

How Clean/Dirty is SG’s Coastal Waters?

Following up on the conversation with my Mum on how dirty our coastal waters are, it raised an important question here that I think its worth finding an answer to it given the inextricable relationship between Singapore and its surrounding… Continue Reading →

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