AY1718G05.3 – “Educating NUS students on the proper behaviour when encountering wildlife”

Chua Shu Yu, Joreen, Chung Zhi Li, Denzel, Jeffery Koh Wei Heng, Lim Guek Hoon, Yu Bi Feng

Academic Advisor: Mr. Lim Cheng Puay

Educating NUS students on the proper behaviour when encountering wildlife on the NUS campus through a workshop. The goal of the workshop is to increase students’ knowledge and raise awareness on the importance of three groups of wildlife (snakes, insects, birds) through interactive and engaging activities. Approximately 60% of the participants who attended the workshop learnt more about interactions with wildlife on campus. It is thus recommended to implement the workshop as part of the RVRC Programme, and possibly other residential colleges, to allow students to instil correct behaviours and responses when interacting with wildlife.

Keywords: Natural Environment & Ecosystems, Education, Human Nature Conflict, Workshops

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