Elaine Tiong Pei Ying, Goh Kai En Andrew, Joel Siaoman, Ooi Hui Ying, Wang Zi Rui
Academic Advisor: Dr. Chua Siew Chin
Industry Advisor: PUB
Water security has always been Singapore’s priority because of the lack of natural water resources. Our project aims to emphasize the importance of saving water in Singapore to children aged 5-6 years old. We will target this population in pre-schools, where children will be taught the importance of water in their daily lives as well as several methods in which they can conserve water at home. Our group has chosen to convey this message through a storybook, in which activities are included in it to allow students to have a more interactive learning. We have also come up with a teaching guide, to facilitate the teachers when using the storybook and activities during their lessons.
Keywords: Water, pre-schoolers, educational material, interactive play, storytelling