AY1718G01.1 – “Marketing sustainability to millennials”

Andy Chan Wai Yee, Eng Yu Ting, Evelyn, Lee Yi-fei Sophia, Sin Huiwen Cheryl

Academic Advisor: Dr. Chua Siew Chin
Industry Advisor: MEWR

The motivation of our project is to propose the best way to encourage awareness and behavioural change in millennials. Our project aims to investigate the effectiveness of existing sustainability campaigns in marketing sustainability to millennials, and to propose recommendations on the type of marketing strategies which will appeal to millennials. To do this, we decided to zoom in on raising the awareness of climate change in millennials, in line with the Year of Climate Action 2018, and more specifically on reducing plastic and paper waste. Based on our analysis of past and existing campaigns on sustainability, we came up with several initiatives targeted at RVRC students, namely posters, website, social media account, and a waste reduction challenge. From the feedback and data gathered from our campaign, we are able to conclude that the most effective marketing strategy points to direct engagement and peer influence, rather than social media.

Keywords: Culture and Lifestyle, Responsible Consumption, direct engagement, social media, Year of Climate Action


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