
Congratulations to the teams who won the following awards for this year’s symposium!

OUTSTANDING PRESENTATION –  Engaging presentations with excellent slides!

G04D Nudging Students towards Meat-Reduced Diets

G06D Famyshd

G08B Crick-Ate

G10C Precious Plastics

G20B WeWardrobe: A digital second-hand clothes exchange platform for residential college residents to reduce textile waste


BEST PROJECT (PROTOTYPE)Creative prototypes that make a difference!

G01A “PlinkoBingo” – A game board to reduce contamination of plastic bottles


G05A BinBin

G17C Designing a rinsing device to reduce contamination rates in plastic recycling

G18B EWasted: Enhancing E-waste Recycling

G19B Reusable DIY cup-holders as sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic carriers


BEST PROJECT  (INFLUENCER)Great project ideas that sway your peers and others!

G01C GreenFood@NUS

G11B Spray Don’t Wipe!

G15A Unwrapped


TEAMWORK EXCELLENCEAll team members shine through and make this possible!

G08A Time the Flow

G11A Serious Chillers

G14B Fashionstein

G15B Reducing Food Wastage through Proper Fridge Management in RVRC

G17A Paper Shroom

G17B We Shell Reuse!

G18A CODE: Plastic Junior


G21A Stop the Drop!


SPECIAL MENTION – Amazing dedication to the project from beginning to end, and more!

G12C Save RV

G12D Not Full Load? Please Unload!

G13A Cool2dry: Awareness Campaign to decrease high heat usage of RVRC dryers

G14A Trailmix

G21B Thimbles for Water Conservation

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