AY2021G08B- “Crick-Ate”

Alphonsus Teow Rui Jie (FOE), Lee Jiahui (FOE), Nan Song (FOE), Rickson Ooi Jia Le (FOE)

Academic AdvisorMr. Lim Cheng Puay

Meat consumption generates a significant carbon footprint, accounting for 14.5% of global greenhouse emissions (FAO, 2020). This necessitates the search for alternative protein sources such as crickets as they are high in nutrition and environmentally sustainable. However, these are not widely accepted due to low awareness and aversion. We aim to increase the awareness and willingness in youth in accepting entomophagy. We created an Instagram page, sharing the nutritional and environmental benefits of entomophagy. Hands on workshops were conducted to enable participants to try out cricket flour products. After both workshops and our Instagram campaign, our surveys showed a 92.6% increase in awareness of the nutritional benefits and a 93.2% increase in willingness to consume cricket flour-based foods. Hence, the combination of our workshops and Instagram page has shown to be effective in increasing the awareness and willingness to consume cricket-based food amongst youth.

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