AY2021G19A- “Fridge View”

Ben Joseph Murphy (SOC), Gerald Neo Ee Ren (SOC), Reno Sam Wei Jie (FASS), Zhou Qi (SOC)

Academic Advisor: Ms. Sadaf Ansari

Food wastage is a pressing concern worldwide. Within RVRC, accumulation of unaccounted and expired food in refrigerators produces large amounts of food waste. Our objective was to enhance the current food labeling system in RVRC fridges through digitization, while providing a convenient platform for food sharing, thereby reducing food waste. We implemented a Telegram bot that i) logs items placed into fridges, ii) reminds users near expiry, and iii) stores a database of shared food items that users can access. Within the two blocks where we did the pilot implementation, there was high uptake (52% of residents), and consistent engagement with the bot. Fair levels of sharing through the bot also demonstrated significant potential of a convenient sharing system in reducing food waste. We conclude that the bot has application in RVRC pantries beyond the pilot, as it successfully enhances the food labeling system and reduces food wastage through sharing.



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