Calista Chew Kai Shan (FASS), Lee Ju-Ler Jonathan (SOC), Lee Yi Heng (SOC), Soh Jun Han, Owen (SOC), Zhang Xiangyu Oliver (BIZ)
Academic Advisor: Ms. Sadaf Ansari
Both single-use plastic bags and tote bags pose significant environmental problems. From our pre-survey, we concluded that laziness and inconvenience were the main reasons that hampered our participants from reusing their existing bags. Our objective was to increase both the convenience and reuse rate of tote and plastic bags in NUS, to lengthen their product lifespan. Learning from past GEQ projects, we designed and placed self-operating stands at two different locations on NUS campus. Our stands allowed both donation and taking of tote and plastic bags. Over a three-week trial period, 59 tote and 45 plastic bags were taken by campus users. A total of 50 tote bags and 40 plastic bags were donated at our stand. Thee results indicate that our stand was able to successfully increase the life-cycle of used plastic and tote bags.