AY2021G17D- “Welcome to the Bread Bank”

Ho Jia Jiin (FOS), Justin Low Jun Ting (FOS), Mi Yang (FOS), Rui Qin (FOS)

Academic Advisor: Dr. Chua Siew Chin

Food wastage, one of the biggest contributors of greenhouse gases, is increasingly pervasive in Singapore. RVRC’s dining hall discards on average, 5.28kg of unserved cooked rice from trays daily. We aim to alleviate rice wastage by upcycling the unserved rice into a desirable consumable product for RVRC students. We formulated an easy-to-follow recipe to produce tasty bread made from white and brown rice and proposed the recipe to the dining hall caterers for serving during breakfast. We surveyed students regarding its appearance, taste, and its desirability in comparison to the store brought bread currently served by dining hall. Our rice bread was well-received by RVRC residents, demostrating that our recipe produces a desirable product and could effectively tackle rice wastage in the long run. We will be sharing the recipe with the dining hall committee to discuss ways of serving rice bread made from leftover rice in the dining hall.


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