AY2021G04D- “Nudging Students towards Meat-Reduced Diets ”

Lin Yu En (FASS), Papattarada Apithanangsiri (SOC), Tay Hui Loo Violette (BIZ) & Wong Chee Hong (SOC)

Academic Advisor: Mr. Lim Cheng Puay

Meat consumption has been normalized in Singaporean youths as they consume up to three to five times more meat than is environmentally sustainable. This creates a significant carbon footprint. Studies have shown that nudging is an effective way towards behavioral change especially when combined with other informational tools. As such, we embarked on a social media campaign and developed a mobile application to function as tools to nudge students towards pursuing meat-reduced diets in a seamless and sustainable manner.

Our mobile application mainly includes i) nearest vegetarian stalls locator ii) push notifications iii) nutritional tracker iv) vegetarian recipes recommendation. With the use of mobile application and social media platform, focus group participants expressed greater interest and ease in pursuing meat-reduced alternatives. Hence, nudging students through the use of mobile application and social media platform proved effective in changing students’ behaviors towards meat-reduced diet.


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