Daniel Lee Min Qiang (SOC), Loh Ching Hern (SOC), Lo Zhao Wei (SOC), Tan Chi Lin (FASS), Vinita Pang Shao Shi (FASS)
Academic Advisor: Ms. Sadaf Ansari
The large amount of e-waste generated in Singapore, together with a low recycling rate, poses a serious environmental issue. Lack of awareness and information regarding e-waste recycling locations contribute to the low recycling rates. Our project aims to tackle these two issues using a digital solution, with the objective of increasing the convenience of e-waste recycling for Singaporeans. With Telegram’s growing user base among Singaporeans, we designed a Telegram bot that presents customised information about the the nearest and most suitable e-waste bins to users, based on their specific location and e-waste item. During the one month launch period, 360 unique users across Singapore utilised our bot. Of these, 113 indicated that the bot had helped them to recycle e-waste, while 90 users stated that the bot would help in future efforts to recycle e-waste. This data highlights the efficacy of our bot to enhance ewaste recycling, and we are currently in discussion with NEA for integrating our bot with their website.