AY2021G12D- “Not Full Load? Please Unload!”

Elton Lim Jun Rui (FOE), Sivakumar Yogarajan (FOE), Tham Zi Xuan (SDE), Xiao Yue (FOE)

Academic Advisor: Dr. Corinne Ong

Laundry contributes to a huge amount of water usage globally, yet many Singaporeans (RVRC residents included) do not do their laundry on full load. Our objectives were to analyse laundry habits and behaviours of RVRC residents, raise awareness about the importance of full loading their laundry, and examine changes in laundry habits of RVRC residents after our intervention. In order to fulfill the objectives of raising awareness and analysing laundry habits, our approach comprises i) a pre- and post-survey; ii) an educational poster; iii) a weighing scale for residents to assess and increase laundry loads over time, and iv) a focus group discussion. We found out that many residents were aware of the importance of washing on a full load. However, many do not practice washing on a full load due to personal reasons. Overall, our intervention was effective in raising awareness and helping us better understand the laundry habits of residents.


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