AY2021G11B- “Spray Don’t Wipe!”

Chan Zhuo Yang (SOC), Crystabel Angelista Chua (FASS), Fan Tian Hao (SOC), Ng U-Yin Rebecca (SOC), Ngai Win Lynn (SOC)

Academic Advisor: Mr. Lim Cheng Puay

27,000 trees are cut down daily and are chemically processed into toilet paper which generates significant water and carbon footprint (Braun, 2017). Our project aims to educate Singaporean households, by using youths as a proxy, that toilet paper generates a high environmental footprint, and increase their willingness to switch to a bidet as a more sustainable and effective alternative. Through a 10 week Instagram campaign, we designed i) comic strips featuring our mascot, Biddy to encourage discussions surrounding toilet habits and ii) infographics that provide bite-sized information. 76% out of 25 followers have expressed positive interest in exploring the use of bidet or have already begun incorporating it into their daily lives. As a result, our engaging storyline paired with educational graphics have proved to be effective in raising awareness of the bidet as a sustainable alternative to toilet paper.


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