AY2021G09C- “Bar Soap Bums”

Elizabeth Roy (FASS), Rehman Sajid (SOC), Sun Cuimin (Business), Wang Yuxi (Business), Yee Xian Hao Samuel (Business)

Academic Advisor: Mr. Lim Cheng Puay

Singapore generated 930,000 tonnes of plastics in 2019, of which only 4% was recycled (NEA, 2020). Liquid soap packaged in plastic bottles generates plastic waste which is not easily recycleable. Our project aims to encourage Singapore’s youths to switch from liquid soap to bar soaps to reduce plastic waste and carbon footprint. We delivered a 30-minute interactive workshop to address key concerns of bar soaps among the audience, a social media campaign to raise awareness on relevant issues, and a 3-week bar soap trial to help the audience form a habit of using bar soaps. After the workshop, participants’ misconceptions decreased by more than 80% decrease and 75% of the participants were willing to try out bar soaps. Our social media campaign and bar soap trial also received positive feedback. Hence, a combination of workshop, social media campaign and trial use proved effective in promoting bar soaps among Singapore youths.

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